In the United States, the 2nd week of February was like the collapse of a dike causing a flood. Policies that were supported for decades with billions of dollars, thousands of operators and incessant propaganda were swept away like debris in the torrent of water. The CIA was brought to heel; USAID, in reality an organ for bribing the “free and independent” media (95% of the media in Ukraine receive subsidies from USAID), for preparing coups d’état and a source of funding for the regime change industry, was dismantled; the elephantine US military budget was headed for a 50% cut; an audit was launched to trace the billions of dollars allocated for Ukraine and embezzled by American and Ukrainian intermediaries; the reality of NATO’s defeat in Ukraine, covered with thick layers of a triumphant official “narrative” since 2022, was acknowledged by the head of the Pentagon himself; US foreign policy was making a historic shift that heralds a break with the neoliberal-neoconservative globalism of the last 40 years.
What is particularly striking is that the new leaders of the American state are stating what critics have long maintained and which has earned them censorship, denigration, slander or repression. It is noteworthy that the admission is all the more dramatic because it comes from the highest levels of the state. The same lecterns that have been used to spread mendacious “narratives”, implausible myths, gross deception and shameful fabrication are being used today to sweep away the rubbish that has blinded public opinion and poisoned minds. What was denounced as false yesterday is now recognized as true. What was considered “conspiracy theories” or “pro-Putin” views turns out to have been the truth. The about-face is obvious, a 180-degree turn. The visceral Russophobia and blind “cancel” reflex that paralyzed brain functions are out of fashion.
Will there be an apology for the nonsense that has been spread since 2022? We are waiting for the mea culpa of political leaders, the media and the improvised “experts” who went astray, fueled mass hysteria and forbade criticism that has since been validated: it was a proxy war by NATO against Russia, Ukraine was only a pawn in a cynical enterprise, Ukrainians were sacrificed in the vain hope of weakening Russia and inflicting a “strategic defeat” on it, neo-Nazi groups were acting as they pleased. Nothing that the propaganda spread was true: Russia was not weak, Ukraine was not victorious, it was not defending “democracy”. However, it is to be feared that propaganda will suffer no discredit and that propagandists and “experts” yearning for notoriety will backpedal, turning their coats in good time to adapt to the new discourse, or even maintain that they were right all along. Adherence to the new line will be carried out with as much aplomb as sycophancy.
Europe in shock
The looming upheaval of the international order is the most dramatic form of the ongoing mutation. The United States is entering into direct negotiations with Russia, which has been ostracized, demonized and vilified by official Western discourse. De facto the US recognizes the Russian victory in Ukraine and the defeat of NATO, ideas that had been fiercely fought against before. On February 12, it announced to the European members that it was passing on the Ukrainian problem to them (a turn which had been looming since 2023, with the purpose of allowing the United States to focus on China) and that it would not support them militarily if they found themselves in a conflict with Russia, despite Article 5, which is at the heart of NATO. As a result, the alliance is obsolete, an empty shell. The page is turned on three-quarters of a century of Atlantic relations.
Stunned by having been sidelined in the bilateral US-Russian negotiations on Ukraine, European leaders are emitting pitiful groans, while their naivety arouses disbelief. The words “betrayal,” “appeasement,” and “capitulation” re-enacting “Munich 1938,” are in the mouths of these believers in US unipolarity and the US-led neoliberal -neoconservative globalist order whose demise they are witnessing. As if their presence at the table would change one iota what will happen there between the two main actors. The end of illusions is bitter: these “allies” are vassals, just like their counterparts in Kiev. They are entitled to the cavalier treatment reserved for underlings trained to obey. They have alienated the independence of their countries, ruined their economies, and plunged their people into a dead-end Russophobia in the service of U.S. policy. They are unaware of the U.S. habit of sowing chaos by their foreign interventions, then walking away when things go wrong, leaving it to others to repair the damage.
Reality is merciless: the war against Russia is lost. Ukraine has become a bad bargain for the United States, a bottomless pit; the American Treasury is urged to stop wasting money on a hopeless cause. Europe will be billed for the reconstruction of Ukraine, with the probable obligation to call on American companies. Europe occasionally pushed for direct confrontation with Russia and was an enthusiastic anti-Russian crusader; it will soon have full responsibility for it. The time for detoxification has come, but the hangover will not be resolved any time soon.
The debacle in Ukraine is symptomatic of the marginalization of Europe, which has become a minor player on the international stage, now occupied by countries that have overtaken it. Mistress of the world for 500 years, its hegemony was undermined by the First World War and it entered its terminal phase with the Second. It is enough to note the mediocrity of its leaders, bottle-fed on neoliberal-neoconservative globalist ideology, their inability to grasp reality, their embarrassing tailing along in Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Ukraine, to measure the gravity of the decline. Who does not remember the empty look of Chancellor Scholz and his pitiful appearance while he listened to Biden declare that the Nord-Stream gas pipeline, vital for Germany, would be destroyed? Can we forget Johnson, Biden’s little courier, who torpedoed the March 2022 accord and opened the way to escalation in Ukraine? What is to be made of the bluster of Macron talking war against Russia, as if Napoleon I’s campaign could be repeated? What can be said of the “green” Baerbock who outbid herself with martial remarks contrary to the interests of Germany? These are the signs of a Europe that is heading towards its former status of a simple peninsula at the edge Asia.
The reconfiguration of international relations
In the meantime, those most committed to the neoliberal-neoconservative globalist system are in mourning and express their sadness in the media in the face of the American shift. Lamenting the “liquidation of the international rules-based order”, they forget that this unipolar order was an instrument of US hegemony and that the “rules” were only the will of the United States. No reference was made to international law.
The United States defended its interests, first within the framework of the neoliberal-neoconservative globalist order, now by putting it aside. It is abandoning it because it is no longer viable. The defeat in Ukraine is the culmination of a series of failures that reveal the limits of American power. The most serious, the defeat against Russia, a great power, is an inescapable fact that no mystifying “narrative” can erase. The United States is just acknowledging its failure: it has not succeeded in defeating Russia and does not have the means to intervene everywhere. In the end, international relations are always based on realities and power relations, veiled or transparent. Wars reveal the true power relations, independently of speeches and theatrics. They are turning points that force reassessments and bring to fruition the changes underway. The neoliberal-neoconservative globalist system is at this turning point.
The cards are being reshuffled. The United States is moving from openly asserted unipolarity to a system based on national interest undisguised by moralizing embellishments, on sovereignty and on power relations outside a recognized international framework. A new paradigm is being established. The disintegration of the globalist political system is parallel to the impasse of economic globalization ( It is a sort of return to the Westphalian model, as political scientists say. But let there be no mistake: power relations have always prevailed and they will be even more visible in a fragmented world where “each for himself” will be the undisguised rule. Realism will be unvarnished, selfishness undisguised and cynicism uninhibited.
One can be surprised at the brutality with which the United States treats its European, Canadian and other “allies”. They do not spare their sensibilities, the only real concern of these “allies” who are only too happy to submit provided they are not too humiliated. As always, the United States prefers to impose its views rather than reach consensual arrangements. But one must remember that it is a hegemon frustrated by its downgrading. It urgently needs successes, against its adversaries if possible, against its allies if necessary, including by draining their economies.
That said, whether they are well-mannered or not, whether they practice multilateralism or unilateralism, the United States has had the last word since the Second World War. They intend to maintain their hegemony, but in a different way, by throwing their weight around to force others to give in, rather than by giving the impression of respecting them or stroking them in the right direction. Circumstances make a change of context and posture essential. The demagogy concerning “democracy”, “values” and “human rights” to be spread throughout the world will be stopped, revealing without hypocrisy the interests and power relations that it camouflaged. The emphasis will be placed on “Fortress America” more than on “global leadership”, even if the latter will always be sought. The United States remains hegemonic. They are not giving up their 800 military bases around the world or the 18,000 “sanctions” they have imposed on countries, individuals and companies. They continue to fund and arm Israel. They want to do battle with China.
For the peoples of the world, the defense of peace will probably require less the exposure of the hegemon’s aggressive policies (they will no longer be hidden) than the struggle against bellicose chauvinism.