Everything we do requires energy, both internally and externally.

As the world changes, accelerates, restructures, and transforms, do we have enough personal energy just to keep up? We are no longer floating in a calm lake; we are at sea, facing towering waves, sometimes feeling like we are drowning or barely managing to stay afloat. Imagine spending 10 years studying computer programming, only to find that your job has disappeared. Now, you need to learn something new—without knowing what it is—and you don’t have the energy to invest in that search.

The world is becoming more complex every day, with increasing stimuli, evolving procedures, and ever-growing requirements. And all of it is dynamic—subject to change at any moment, often without notice. Family and social relationships are also shifting. How do we adapt to diversity, new family structures, corporate work environments, and the evolving nature of interpersonal relationships in the digital age?

Everything we do requires energy—but where does this energy come from?

Do we have more energy than our parents did? Many of us believe our energy is limited, and we often block ourselves from engaging in new opportunities simply because we feel we don’t have the energy to get involved in the first place. It’s not that new experiences aren’t interesting or worthwhile—we just don’t have the bandwidth to deal with them. As a result, we disconnect from situations that require continuous adaptation, especially those related to the future. By doing this, however, instead of conserving energy, we find we in fact lose energy. Why? Because we are moving in the wrong direction.

Energy is everything. So, how do we generate and sustain it? On a global scale, advancements are being made in energy production and sustainability. But on a personal level, the lack of human energy is enormous, and very few people are working on solving this problem. Just consider this question: How do you develop and increase your personal energy? People often know more about making money than about generating their own energy.

Take an hour to analyze where you spend your energy. Make two columns—one for where your energy goes and another for where you gain energy. How do you replenish yourself? Why do certain activities drain or energize you? The reality is that you will need more energy in the future than you are producing today. You must boost your energy production.

The secret to life is the energy you invest in it and the direction you give it.