On Saturday 15 February 2025, the first official presentation of the new and 40th book by the French-Cameroonian pan-Africanist writer Franklin Nyamsi entitled ‘Imperial-Terrorism’ took place in Bamako (Mali).

The event took place in the presence of a large audience in the conference hall of the Modibo Keita memorial in Bamako with the participation of national media and those of the Sahel AES Confederation.

The conference was chaired by Prof. Bouréma Kansaye, Mali’s Minister of Superior Education and Scientific Research, who wrote the book’s preface.

The main thesis of the work states that: ‘Terrorist organisations such as Al Qaida, Islamic State, Boko Haram and others, which today attempt to destabilise African countries, do not have religious motives as their motive, since many countries in which they operate are already Muslim. Rather, the task of these terrorist groups is to systemically destabilise African countries and weaken them, so that multinationals from outside the African continent can more easily obtain their natural wealth at low cost.’

This book does not pretend to impose tendentious interpretations, it merely presents the evidence gathered over the years, corroborated by statements of prominent Western politicians such as former president Jaques Chirac, who admitted in an official speech: ‘part of the resources contained in our purses comes from the wealth obtained from African countries’.

The evidence mentioned in the book is numerous and well listed. One of the most recent is that provided by the new director of US intelligence Tulsi Gabbard. In the interview for her nomination before the Senate, she criticised the support of her country’s previous governments for the Al Qaida terrorist formation straddling Asia and Africa.

Another proven connection of NATO countries with terrorist formations results from Hillary Clinton’s emails published by Wikileaks concerning NATO’s military aggression against Libya in 2011.

Many observers and intellectuals in the 54 countries of Africa are aware of the pan-African infrastructural, water and financial projects that Libya had undertaken that would lead to the increasing sovereignty of the world’s most natural resource-rich continent. Many of them consider that NATO’s attack on Libya delayed Africa’s emancipation by 10 to 15 years.

The Bamako event is the first of a tour, which in the next few days will also take Professor Nyamsi to present his book in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Niamey (Niger).

The writer Franklin Nyamsi, who has been teaching philosophy for about 25 years, is known for his tireless work for the emancipation of the peoples of Africa in the area of sovereignty and self-determination.

Founder of the ‘Africa Institute of Freedoms’, Nyamsi is today one of the most widely followed pan-Africanist thinkers in Africa, in African diasporas around the world, and by a wide audience ranging from Europe to numerous countries in the global South.

The institute puts forward four fundamental proposals:
the end of foreign military occupation of African soil
the end of neo-colonial and imperialist economic domination in Africa
the end of despotic regimes in Africa
the African cultural renaissance

The book Imperial-terrorism does not provoke sterile victimism. On one side it provides scientific evidence of certain procedures employed by the elites to impede the free development of Humanity and to keep power in their own hands.

On the other side, this work stimulates study, reflection and revolutionary nonviolent action to change the current decadent paradigm with values of truth, justice and solidarity. The author considers that such humanist traditions were already present in the ancient civilisations of Africa, including the Negro-Egyptian civilisation, and that today they constitute a new horizon that inspires African youth.

Tangible translations of these proposals take shape for example in the Sahel AES confederation:

Young Africa wants to take its destiny back into its own hands and steer the continent towards new paths, affirming the Africa of the Peoples and not of the multinationals.