During the 3rd World March’s visit to the UN, the Core Team met with Drs Ferozi Sidhna and Mark Perlmutter, who commented that they have been with other doctors, nurses and paramedics in the humanitarian crisis zones in Gaza.

They have written articles to make civil society and organised groups aware of the current situation and the unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Attached are available two of their articles that have been published.


This organisation of professionals, stunned by what is happening, wish to share with as many human beings as possible the real situation in Gaza.

‘We must raise awareness that the parties to the conflict must and are required to sit down to negotiate and cooperate, as the humanitarian cost we are seeing in this part of the world, in addition to Sudan and other parts of Africa, along with Ukraine, are making of humanity a senseless and bleeding void,’ they said.

The victims of these conflicts are not numbers but human beings, with lives and dreams now gone. They are not just a statistic; we are witnessing the degradation of humanity to levels that should never have been tolerated.

From the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence we demand that the parties in conflict seek a peaceful solution, communicate, coexist, start from the points that unite them and develop tolerance for the differences that exist. There are more points that unite than separate the peoples, in this case the Palestinian and Israeli, but unfortunately the decisions are made by a few leaders who are not on the front line.

There are more of us who want peace and nonviolence. Wars and armed conflicts must be a thing of the past for humanity, otherwise we will disappear.


Translated from Spanish by David Meléndez Tormen