On October 2, 2024, the International Day of Nonviolence, the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence will depart from San Jose, Costa Rica, where it will return, after circling the planet, on January 5, 2025.

As the date approaches, international endorsements are multiplying for this important initiative that follows the two previous world marches in 2009 and 2019 and the Central American March (2017), March in the Mediterranean 2019, and South American March (2018 -2021).

In this edition, the march will propose: nuclear disarmament, calling on all states to approve the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty; proportional disarmament and the renunciation of states from the use of war as an instrument of conflict resolution; conscientious objection to war as a fundamental right; reform of the UN in a democratic sense with the abolition of the right of veto; a fully sustainable planet; elimination of hunger in ten years; no discrimination of human beings for any reason; and education for nonviolence in every school level.

The core team that will travel the entire itinerary of the march will be composed of volunteers who will meet the associations, institutions and people who will join the march wherever possible; the full itinerary is being finalized given the huge number of events and activities that are planned on the 5 continents.

On October 2 the march will begin not only in San José but simultaneously in all places where a Promoting Committee has been formed; the common activity for that date is the creation of a human symbol of nonviolence. Many other activities are planned for the occasion.

Official website of the March