On 28 June 2024, Pınar Selek will be tried for the fifth time by the Turkish state.

26 years ago, in Turkey, Pınar Selek was arrested for her academic work on Kurdish resistance. In line with sociological professional ethics, she refuses to reveal the identities of the people she interviewed: she is tortured and kept in custody. In prison, she learns that she is accused of an “attack” on the Istanbul spice market – it was in fact an accidental gas explosion. She spends almost two years in prison.

She was acquitted a first time in 2006, but the public prosecutor appealed. Judicial harassment began, with a series of trials always resulting in acquittals for lack of evidence, but these were overturned, each time leading to a new judgment… Despite everything, Pınar Selek continued her research and writing and her commitment to the heart of social movements, organizing herself in feminist and LGBT+ collectives, and leading major anti-militarist actions.

In 2008, she was forced into exile. Today, she is a professor of sociology at a university in France. She continues to pursue her professional activities and activism despite the constant threat posed to her by the Turkish authorities and fascists, including on French soil.

As with hundreds of political prisoners, the Turkish government is using her case as an example in an attempt to silence all dissident voices and political alternatives. This June 28th, Pınar Selek faces yet another trial, risking life imprisonment.

On a global level, we witness the strengthening of authoritarian right-wing, threats to freedom of speech and research, and increased repression of civil movements. We see how states, multinationals, and elites are complicit in defending their interests in the face of mass poverty, climate chaos, and massacres.

This somber global situation highlights the key role of fundamental rights defenders and the counterweight of civil society and social movements. In this context more than ever, our analyses and our struggles must be rooted in transnational solidarity.

Pınar Selek relentlessly uses her skills in the interests of justice, freedom, and equality. This is why, despite the multitude of different contexts in which we live and struggle, we recognize we are part of the same movement. and that the outcome of this trial will shape the political terrain in which we will evolve in the future.

We call for solidarity with Pınar Selek, to stand firmly alongside her on June 28th in Istanbul and elsewhere, and to join the transnational campaign for her final acquittal, in an effort towards collective liberation.

Justice and freedom for Pınar Selek, justice and freedom for all. Jin Jiyan Azadî*.

*Woman, life, freedom in Kurdish. This Kurdish women’s slogan has become the rallying call for the feminist revolution in Iran today and for women’s freedom worldwide.

Angela Davis, Rokhaya Diallo, Adèle Haenel, Judith Bulter, Annie Ernaux, Esquivel Adolfo Pérez, Aslı Erdoğan, Elsa Dorlin, Souad Labbize, Isabelle Stengers, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Carola Rackette, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Isabelle Cambourakis, Sepideh Farsi, Tal Madesta, Michael Löwy, Johanna Makabi, Myriam Bahaffou, Chahla Chafiq, Inès Léraud, Jules Falquet, Nina Faure, Morris Kachani, l’Union syndicale Solidaires, l’Association républicaine des avocat-e-s d’Allemagne and more than 250 personalities and organisations around the world sign a transnational tribune in solidarity with Pınar Selek ahead of her trial on 28 June 2024.

All signatories:

1. Allan Iona, Feminist citizen
2. Altug Barbaros, Writer, Journalist
3. Alvarez Milena, Production and distribution manager
4. Andres Hervé, Doctorate in political science, CNRS engineer, Urmis
5. Arc Stéphanie, Writer
6. Argyriadis Kali, Researcher IRD, Anthropologist
7. Arpat Müjgan S., Journalist and photographer
8. Azzone Lavinia, Editor, Fandango Libri
9. Bahaffou Myriam, Doctoral student, philosophy and feminist studies
10. Bain Véronique, Support
11. Balibar Etienne, Philosopher
12. Barasc Katy, Essayist philosopher
13. Barkaoui Chams, Artist
14. Bartlett Miriam, Lawyer
15. Batou Jean, Professor of International History 16. Battaglini Anne, Citizen
17. Beauthier Georges Henri, Former President of the Belgian League for Human Rights, defender of victims of crimes against humanity
18. Beck, Citizen
19. Begin Marion, Comedian
20. Berns Thomas, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
21. Besancenot Olivier, Spokesperson for NPA
22. Besnier Jean-Michel, Professor of Philosophy at Sorbonne University
23. Besson Olivier, Professor
24. Bietlot Mathieu, Director of the Maison du Livre in Brussels
25. Blézat Mathilde, Journalist
26. Bloch Françoise, Retired CNRS socio-anthropologist
27. Bolle Francine, Lecturer, Free University of Brussels
28. Bonhomme Béatrice, Poet
29. Bonis Oristelle, Director of Editions iXe, long-time friend of Pınar Selek
30. Bordes François, Writer
31. Bordes Ghislaine, Citizen
32. Bordier Julien, Translator, publisher, distributor
33. Bournot Sophie, Elected representative for Equality in La Trinité
34. Brazzoduro Andrea, Historian, University of Naples/Paris 8
35. Bühler Pierre, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Zurich
36. Butler Judith, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, UC Berkeley
37. Caccia Fulvio, Writer
38. Calame Claude, Director of Studies, EHESS, Paris (and Honorary Professor, UNIL)
39. Cambourakis Isabelle, Editor
40. Cataldi Maddalena, Lecturer at La Sapienza University of Rome
41. Cauwet Laurent, Publisher, author
42. Cerisay Patricia, Women in solidarity
43. Cerqueira Iara, Artist, choreographer, and dance teacher
44. Chafiq Chahla, Writer and sociologist
45. Chauvier Maia, Actress
46. Cherbit Zohar, Doctoral student in sociology
47. Chevallier Arthur, Videographer
48. Clancier Sylvestre, Honorary President of the French PEN Club
49. Cornwell S. C., Geneva Support Committee
50. Correia Ricardo, Citizen
51. Cotta Françoise, Member of the Paris Bar
52. Davis Angela, American activist, philosophy professor and writer
53. Dhelens Claudette, MMF activist
54. Diallo Rokhaya, Journalist and film-maker
55. Diaz Dominique, Artistic Director of Asociation Culturelle Créer en Liberté – Paraguay-Amerique du Sud
56. Divrechy , Citizen
57. Djeziri Léa, Artist, illustrator and author
58. Dolivo Jean-Michel, Lawyer Lausanne
59. Dorlin Elsa, Philosopher
60. Dos Santos Irène, CNRS researcher
61. Dulong Delphine, Chairman of the Observatory on Violations of Academic Freedom
62. Düperthal Gitta, Free journalist in Frankfurt
63. Dupuis-Déri Francis, Professor of political science, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
64. Durocher Sarah, Co-president of Family Planning
65. Duterme Bernard, Director of the Tricontinental Centre – CETRI
66. Duverger Sylvia, Journalist
67. Ebel Ivan Liovik , Graphic designer and artist
68. Ebel Leana, President of the World March of Women/Switzerland
69. Ebel Marianne, Philosopher, former Member of Parliament for Neuchâtel/Switzerland
70. Ecarnot Catherine, Associate professor of modern literature, French teacher
71. Eckert Henri, Professor of sociology at the University of Poitiers
72. Emsellem Karine, Université Côte d’Azur – EUR ODYSSEE
73. Epsztajn Didier, Blog “entre les lignes entre les mots
74. Erdoğan Aslı, Author
75. Ernaux Annie, Nobel Prize-winning author
76. Falquet Jules, Professor of philosophy, University of Paris 8
77. Farsi Sepideh, Filmmaker
78. Fassin Eric, Professor of sociology and gender studies, Université Paris 8 – Vincennes-Saint-Denis
79. Faure Nina, Film director
80. Fernandes Emmanuel, MP
81. Fernando , Citizen
82. Ferreira Sónia, Researcher
83. Fiala Pierre, Retired teacher, Université Paris-Creteil
84. Finidori Julie, Literary agent
85. Flores Artemisa, Secretary of the Association of Sociologists Higher Education Teachers
86. Fontaine Joëlle, Historian
87. Fougeyrollas Dominique, Sociologist
88. Fraenkel Béatrice, Director of Studies, EHESS
89. Garcia , Citizen
90. Gascon Marie-Julie, Photographer
91. Gaudefroy Colombot Laetitia, Artist, author
92. Gauthiez-Rieucau Dominique, Historian
93. Genthon Laureen, Departmental councillor for Hauts-de-Seine and Deputy Mayor for Women’s Rights in Nanterre
94. Giraudon Liliane, Writer
95. Goasguen Louise, Artisan bricklayer
96. Goutany Hélène, Citizen
97. Grand Nicolle, Former member of MLAC aix Marseille, co-director of Elle a les yeux grand ouvert
98. Grenard Sylvie, Université Côte d’Azur and Sgen-CFDT
99. Guex Sébastien, Honorary professor, University of Lausanne
100. Guignard Sophie, Political Secretary, Solidarity Across Borders
101. Guillou Elie, Writer, musician
102. Guilpain Geneviève, Philosophy teacher, democrat
103. Guinel, Citizen
104. Güney Ülkü, Professor
105. Haenel Adèle, Activist actress
106. Hakenholz Thomas, Director
107. Heinen Jacqueline, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, UVSQ Paris-Saclay
108. Henry Odile, Professor of Sociology, Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH Delhi) and Université Paris 8
109. Hess Catherine, Teacher
110. Hirsbrunner Therese, Psychologist specialising in Neuropsychology FSP
111. Hirtz Natalia, Sociologist, researcher at Gresea
112. Horzicky Nathalie, Heritage assistant (Nice)
113. Huissoud Fanny, Commune of Jacob-Bellecombette
114. Jaffrelot Christophe, President of the French Political Science Association
115. Jeanjean Agnès, Professor of Anthropology at the Université Côte d’Azur. France
116. Jedlicki Fanny, Lecturer and researcher in sociology, Université Rennes 2, President of Ases
117. Jeyaratnam-Joyner Caroline, Theatre, Arts and Yoga consultant
118. Jobard Fabien, Director of Research at the CNRS – Centre for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions (CESDIP)
119. Johnson Ceri, Citizen
120. Joyner Alison, Doctor of Education
121. Juarez Huet Nahayeilli , Anthropologist, CIESAS-Peninsula, Mexico,
122. Kachani Morris, Writer, activist and human rights defender
123. Kirildog Melih, Academic
124. Kattan Karim, Writer
125. Katz Helena, Professor, dance critic
126. Kirlidog Melih, Accademic, retired
127. Klein Colette, Author, member of the French Pen Club
128. Knopf Bernd, Government consultant, specialising in discrimination issues
129. Körsgen Beate, Member of the steering committee of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, German branch
130. Kost Klaus, Professor
131. Kuffler Eugénie, Composer, flutist, dancer and performer
132. Labbize Souad, Author
133. Lacasse Marie-Ève , Author
134. Lacourière Anne-Marie, Librarian at the Bibliothèque Institut Gustave Baguer
135. Leboucher ïan, Essayist, science fiction author
136. Lamoureux Diane, Professor Emeritus, Laval University (Quebec)
137. Larue , Citizen
138. Laurent Joseph, Support
139. Lazzeri Christian, Professor, University of Paris Nanterre
140. Leblanc Audrey, Research teacher
141. Le Guen Orkat, Citizen
142. Léraud Inès, Journalist
143. Leroy Aurélie, Researcher CETRI Centre tricontinental
144. Leroy Maud, Éditions des Lisières
145. Leroy-Burlet Micheline, Citizen
146. Lienard Claudine, Volunteer at Le Monde selon les femmes asbl
147. Lorenzoni Carine, Editor
148. Löwy Michael, Sociologist, Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS
149. Lucks Max, Member of the Bundestag “Les Verts
150. Machet Béatrice, Poet
151. Makabi Tal, Journalist and author
152. Maillard Pascal, Academic
153. Makabi Johanna, Film director
154. Malik Salima, Macon artist and craftswoman
155. Matteo Sylvie, Teacher
156. Marie Liliane, Citizen
157. Marin Lou, Publisher of Graswurzelrevolution, the German translation of the book “L’Insolente”
158. Martin Pascale, Member of Parliament
159. Maurer Renate, Journalist
160. May Xavier, Researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
161. Menchú Tum Rigoberta, Nobel Peace Prize in 1992
162. Menès Martine, Citizen of democracy
163. Mercati Danielle, Doctor
164. Mercati Sophie, Doctor
165. Mezzadra Sandro, University of Bologna
166. Michael Annette, Publisher of Editions Orlanda in Berlin
167. Michard, Citizen
168. Mitralias Giorgos, Journalist
169. Mitralia Sonia, Cartoonist
170. Monchatre Sylvie, Lumière Lyon2 University
171. Monod Jean-Claude, Researcher in philosophy, CNRS / ENS
172. Montreynaud Florence , Historian
173. Morel Darleux Corinne, Author
174. Morelli Anne, Honorary professor at the University of Brussels (ULB)
175. Moreno Pestaña José Luis, Senior lecturer in philosophy, University of Granada
176. Möser Cornelia , Philosopher, CNRS Research Fellow, HDR
177. Moura Gilsamara, Insolent artist, Researcher and Vice-Director of the School of Dance at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil)
178. Moussey Pierre, Magician
179. Mutluer Nil, PhD, Comparative Gender Studies, Central European University
180. Nagels Carla, Lecturer, ULB, Belgium
181. Negrini Jacobino Angela, Viana do Castelo
182. Nicoli Elisabeth, Lawyer, Co-President of the Women’s Alliance for Democracy
183. Nissim Rina, Naturopath
184. Nuñez Gonzalez Niurka, Anthropologist, Instituto Cubano de Investigacion
185. Nouvel , Cultural Juan Marinello
186. Okkan Osman, Director
187. Olivier Aurélie, Author
188. Ollagnier Edmée, Researcher in educational sciences
189. Othenin-Girard Danielle, Active member of the asylum.ch information platform (Switzerland)
190. Ouali Nouria, Professor, Free University of Brussels
191. Oumhani Cécile, Writer
192. Paasch-Colberg Sünje, Communication researcher
193. Paiva Silvano Maria, Anthropologist
194. Paquier Yaël, Citizen
195. Parini Lorena, Political scientist
196. Parriaux Olivier, Professor Emeritus Lyon
197. Pascal Pascale, Citizen
198. Pauwels Elly, Lawyer, Groupement pour l’abolition des mutilations sexuelles (Group for the abolition of genital mutilation)
199. Pedinielli Michèle, Novelist
200. Peigné Geneviève, Author
201. Pellegrini-Alentour Isabelle, Poet
202. Penblanc Juliette, Poet
203. Perrin Elise, Actress
204. Pesty Eric, Publisher
205. Petrakis Emilia, Poet
206. Petrowick Katia, Citizen choreographer
207. Pignocchi Alessandro, Comic book author, essayist
208. Pigné Isabelle, Citizen
209. Pisani Heloisa, Director of International Affairs at Sesc Sao Paulo
210. Porche , Citizen
211. Portes Thomas, Member of Parliament
212. Potot Swanie, Sociologist
213. Renard Caroline, University of Aix-Marseille
214. Prevost , Citizen
215. Prezioso Stéfanie, Professor of History, University of Lausanne
216. Puchol Jeanne, Comic book author
217. Quartino Mathilde, Artisan bricklayer
218. Régimbald Diane, Writer, member of the Centre québécois du P.E.N. international
219. Renaud Myriam, Citizen
220. Ribeiro Carola, Artist
221. Riedlin Frédérique, Dr in psychopathology and psychoanalysis, feminist and anti-racist activist
222. Riot-Sarcey Michèle, Academic, historian, emeritus university professor
223. Robichon Suzette, Citizen
224. Robine-Langlois Théo, Writer, magazine and radio programme producer
225. Rocca Isabelle, Deputy Mayor of Paris 12th arrondissement
226. Rodde Michel, Author, film director
227. Romero-Michel Jean-Luc, Deputy Mayor of Paris, responsible for human rights, integration and the fight against discrimination
228. Roux Laurine, Writer
229. Ruault Marie-Aube, Bookseller
230. Saïd Ayad, Student
231. Sajus Véronique, Union SUD Collectivités téritoriales
232. Sallé Alix, Citizen
233. Samary Catherine, Economist
234. Sauvage Isabelle, Editor
235. Schaffner Marin, Author and translator, Wildproject publishing house
236. Schaufelbuehl Janick, Professor of History at the University of Lausanne
237. Schaus Annemie, Rector of the Free University of Brussels
238. Schönberg Gilda , Lawyer, Berlin
239. Sepulchre Douglas, Assistant and doctoral student, Université libre de Bruxelles
240. Serroni Perosa Graziela, Professor at the University of Sao Paulo
241. Shepard Todd, Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University
242. Siblot Yasmine, Sociologist, Université Paris 8, France
243. Sinob Nat, Support from Pinar
244. Siroux Jean-Louis, Sociologist, and lecturer at the Free University of Brussels
245. Skalova Marina, Writer, literary translator, feminist
246. Stengers Isabelle, Philosopher, Université Libre de Bruxelles
247. Skoumbi Vicky, Editor-in-chief of the Greek magazine αληthεια
248. Szwarcbaum Yaël, Contemporary dance teacher
249. Taleb Inès, Citizen
250. Tamayo Amandine, Lecturer, Aix-Marseille University
251. Thevenon Emmanuel, Journalist
252. Thiebaut Elise, Author
253. Toni Claudia, Arts and culture consultant
254. Topakian Rebecca, Artist
255. Trailin Aurélie, Boxer, scriptwriter
256. Tulissi Gabard Mathieu, Author
257. Ullauri Lloré Elisa, Sociologist
258. Umubyeyi Mairesse Beata , Author
259. Vagner Laure-lyne, Student
260. Van Outryve Sixtine, Post-doc researcher, Radboud Universiteit
261. Vienne Gisèle, Choreographer and director
262. Vigna Françoise, Bookseller
263. Villeneuve Christine, Co-Director of éditions des femmes-Antoinette Fouque
264. Vlady Marina, Actress, author
265. Vogel Laurent, Professor Emeritus, Université Libre de Bruxelles
266. von Grünberg Bernhard, Politician
267. Voss Elisabeth, publicist, Berlin
268. Wacquant Loïc, Sociologist
269. Wallraff Günter, Author
270. Warta Constanze, European Civic Forum
271. Wyss Christine, World March of Women
272. Ziauddin Esmail, doctor-surgeon
273. Ziegs Beate, Author and director

● Union syndicale Solidaires, France
● Turkish-German Cultural Forum, Honorary Presidents 1993-2015: Günter Grass, Yasar Kemal
● Greek-Turkish Friendship Initiative, Honorary Presidents: Mikis Theodorakis, Zülfü Livaneli
● Hrant Dink Forum in Cologne, Honorary President: Rakel Dink
● Republican Association of Lawyers in Germany (Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e.V.)
● ATTAC France
● Editions le passager clandestin, publishing house
● FASTI, Federation of Solidarity Associations
● La Mêlée – Association d’éducation populaire aux féminismes, France
● Lyon Anti CRA
● Mouvement National Lycéen, trade union, France
● NPA l’Anticapitaliste, with All Immigrants, France
● PEN Berlin e.V. ● Les Lyonnasses, inclusive women’s football, Lyon, France