Tens of thousands of people will join a national mobilization to surround the White House on June 8 to demand that U.S. President Joe Biden act on his promises and suspend all aid to Israel. Organizers declare that despite Biden stating that the invasion of Rafah was a red line for aid to Israel, weeks into Israel’s murderous invasion of Rafah, and Israel’s expanded attacks across Gaza, Biden’s red line is nowhere to be seen.

When: Saturday June 8, 12:00 pm

Where: The White House, Washington D.C.

Organizations such as the Palestinian Youth Movement, National Students for Justice in Palestine, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, the People’s Forum, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Palestinian Feminist Collective, ANSWER Coalition, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, International Jewish Anti Zionist Network, Writers Against the War on Gaza, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Palestine Popular University, Palestinian American Women’s Association, National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, and hundreds of others have called for people to march on the White House, dressed in red, to declare that if Biden refuses, then the people will be the red line. They are also demanding an immediate ceasefire, an immediate end to the siege on Gaza, the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners, and an end to the occupation of Palestine.

June 8 marks 8 months of the U.S.-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, a genocide which has cost the lives of over 36,000 Palestinian people, including over 15,000 children. On Sunday, the world watched with horror as Israel bombed a displaced persons camp in Rafah, killing 45 people and injuring hundreds. As heads of state, aid agencies, and the United Nations have been saying for months, attacking Rafah is a violation of international law and a massacre foretold. Amid these atrocities, Biden has authorized billions more in weapons shipments to be used to kill and massacre Palestinians.

Layan Fuleihan of the People’s Forum said, “Biden has blood on his hands! It has been eight months of genocide carried out with weapons paid for by our tax dollars. Genocide is a red line! Over 13,000 children murdered by Israel, is a red line! We will march in Washington D.C. to remind him that the people of this country refuse to be complicit in these war crimes!”

“How many more homes have to be destroyed, how many children need to be killed, until this government takes definitive action to stop Israel’s war crimes. We are tired of hearing that Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are ‘concerned about the civilian death toll’. If they were really concerned about what Israel was doing, they would suspend all aid and tell Israel to accept one of the many ceasefire deals that is on the table. This genocide needs to end, and Biden has the power to do it,” said Celine Qussiny of the Palestinian Youth Movement.

“On June 8th, tens of thousands will show Biden that the people are his red line — we refuse to allow him to continue the genocide against the people of Gaza! Instead of a red line, Biden gave a green light to Netanyahu’s invasion of Rafah by agreeing to send more U.S. bombs and missiles. While the government that speaks in our name arms the genocidal Israeli regime to the teeth, the people want freedom for Palestine,” said Brian Becker, National Director of the ANSWER Coalition.