On the 7th of May, representatives of the promotion team in Costa Rica of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence met at the University for Peace with the Rector of this institution, Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena, in the presence of Mr. Warner Masis, Director of the Operations Department of the UPaz.

As part of the delegation of the 3 March Promotion Team, two representatives of the Humanist Parks of Study and Reflection Joquicingo from Mexico, who were visiting Costa Rica, attended the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to define the logistical aspects of the inaugural activity of the 3rd World March and to make progress in the search for ways to broaden its impact by involving the students of Upaz and other organizations, and institutions. In addition, the possible list of guests and the location of the protocol event, which will take place in the Kofi Annan Aula Magna, were defined.
This meeting will mark the place where the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence will take its first step on its 95-day journey around the planet.

In these times when violence and wars have unfortunately become normalized, news on our planet, darkening the path to the future of humanity. A global manifestation for peace rises with hope, adding the voices and intentions of universities, institutions, social organizations, artists, and people in general who want to promote a new form of relationship, a new culture of active non-violence; where news of positive actions undertaken with enthusiasm are the norm, dialogue, negotiation, agreements, and that we are finally evolving towards a world where peace and non-violence are the norm.