Because of the current world situation, it is urgent to make the voices for a world without war and violence heard on all continents.

To this end, the organization “World without Wars and Violence” is organizing the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which will begin in Costa Rica on 2 October 2024, the International Day of Nonviolence, and will also end in Costa Rica on 5 January 2025, after traveling through the five continents. It will be fifteen years since the first World March.

The initiators want to denounce the current world situation, which is more explosive than ever, with the risk of a third world and nuclear war. Defense spending is increasing, while in more and more parts of the world, people are suffering from a lack of shelter, food, and water, and human rights are being curtailed.

The aims of the 3rd World March are as follows

To raise awareness: “Peace can only be achieved through non-violence. This is the only way to open up a future for all humanity.
To highlight positive initiatives: Many individuals, groups and peoples in many parts of the world are already carrying out successful initiatives to promote human rights and non-discrimination, and to strengthen cooperation, non-violent coexistence and non-aggression. However, there is little coverage of these activities in the official media.
Give the younger generation a voice: Young people must take up the torch and leave their own trail of non-violence. It is time to establish the culture of non-violence in the collective vision, in education, politics and society, just as ecological awareness has grown in recent years.

Read more in the official manifesto here.

Angelika Klatte and Magaly Navarrete, who participated in the first World March for Peace and Nonviolence in 2009, will give information on how to join this global peace initiative at the two information events in Berlin and Hamburg.

Friday, 7 June 2024 at 18.00 hrs.
At the House of Latin American Cultures, Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin

Saturday 8 June 2024 at 7 pm
at the Kreativhaus Eimsbüttel, “Wohnzimmer”/Parterre, Telemannstraße 10, 20255 Hamburg

Come and set an example for peace and nonviolence!

The international news agency Pressenza is the official media of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence.