by Genevieve Balance Kupang

Baguio City, Philippines. We hope you enjoyed reading the first and second series of this article dubbed respectively WCC ATC and Partner Institutions Host RISE 2024: ICREATE Conference  Fostering Global Collaboration in Research and Innovation #1/4 Series& “BCU Students Gain Valuable Insights at RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Innovation 2/4.” The framework used in sharing the lessons learned from the conference, the “Three Ls,” highlights key takeaways through the lens of what we Learned, what we Liked, and what we Long For shared by Engr. Leonora Quarte, Education Supervisor II at CHEDRO I.  We’ll be using this framework to share insights gleaned from the deans and faculty conference participants.

 MICHAEL T. SEBULLEN, PhD – Best Paper for Business, Finance & Management. Dr. Sebullen described his experience: Winning the Best Paper Award at the 1st RISE 2024: ICREATE International Conference was a moment I will never forget. Standing there, holding the certificate, I felt a rush of emotions—pride, gratitude, and a deep sense of accomplishment. It was more than just a recognition of our work [with Dr. Alejandrino]; it was a testament to the long hours, the sleepless nights, and the unwavering dedication that went into our study.

This experience was a profound learning journey. It taught me the value of resilience and the importance of pushing through challenges. Throughout the process, I learned to trust my instincts and the people around me most specially to my Dean, Dr. Genevieve B. Kupang, to be meticulous in my research, and to stay open to constructive criticism. Engaging with fellow researchers and experts from around the world enriched my understanding of my own work. Their insights and feedback highlighted aspects I had never considered, making me appreciate the collaborative nature of academic research even more.

 What I loved most about this journey was the sense of community and shared passion. Meeting other researchers who were equally enthusiastic about their fields was incredibly inspiring. The conference itself was a vibrant exchange of ideas, and I enjoyed every moment of presenting my findings and engaging in discussions. Hearing firsthand how my research resonated with others was particularly rewarding. It affirmed that the work I was doing mattered and had the potential to make a real impact.

 Despite the excitement of winning, I found myself longing for deeper, ongoing collaborations. The conference provided a brief but intense period of connection, and I wished for more opportunities to work alongside these brilliant minds beyond the event. I dreamed of forming lasting partnerships that could further our research and bring about tangible changes in our respective fields. Additionally, I hoped for more platforms where we could continue these important conversations, learning from each other and growing together most specially in BCU as a school community. That, one day we can be able to host an International Research Conference.

 In the end, winning the Best Paper Award was not just about the accolade itself but about the journey and the growth it represented. It was a moment that validated our hard work and fueled our passion for research. I left the conference with a heart full of gratitude, a mind brimming with new ideas, and a renewed commitment to making a difference through my work. This experience has set the bar high for what I aim to achieve in the future, and I am excited to see where this path will lead. Thank you, Doc Gen, for believing in me and believing in us. Now, it is my turn to give the same belief to others like what you have given in me. Carry on!

 JANICE D. ALEJANDRINO, DBA – Best Paper for Business, Finance & Management. Dr. Alejandrino offered her insights: Attending my first international research conference was a transformative experience.  It provided invaluable opportunities to network with renowned scholars, igniting my passion for further research endeavors.  Presenting my work on a global stage not only enhanced my research profile but also fueled my desire to explore diverse fields like education, healthcare, science, and business. The chance to connect with fellow researchers who share my enthusiasm was particularly rewarding. This enriching experience has undoubtedly fueled my motivation and ignited a long-term commitment to making impactful research contributions across various disciplines.

BCU Dean of CBA, Dr. Janice D. Alejandrino, poses with the Certificate of Recognition for the Best Paper Award in the Business, Finance & Management category.

 Gina L. Casi, PhD  Parallel Session Chair on Health Technology. Dr. Casi expressed: “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in the WCC’s 1st International Conference on Research & Exhibits on Aviation & Aeronautics, Tourism, Engineering and Education, held last May 28 & 29, 2024.  This conference served as a valuable platform for my professional development.

Dr. Gina L. Casi (Back, 1st from Left), BCU Dean of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery, co-chaired the parallel session 7 on Health Technology and poses here among the presenters.  They are Hazel P. Alipio, Diana Parayno, Mykhaela Dane G. Macaraeg, Michael Rhey R. Orines, Jordan Llego, Eizzle Gyanne B. Macutay.

 The first day alone is already filled with inspirational messages from the presidents/research directors of the different prestigious Universities. To add up, the inspirational talk from Dr. Christine Nabor Ferrer, the Commission on Higher Education director, San Fernando City, La Union.

 The keynote address of Dr. Thelma D. Palaoag, Director, Innovation & Technology Transfer, University of Cordilleras, Baguio City awakened my senses that indeed we are now gearing toward the digital and innovative world, hence the need to innovate, and create new continually but not forgetting to protect our intellectual property. The presentations of the WCC students and students from other universities were already proof of innovative works.

 Of course, I cannot deny the fact that I was able to meet prestigious people, great researchers, and even owners of Universities. This is one bonus that I am privileged of. I learned from the presented outputs (new research findings), feedback, and positive critiques from peers. It helped me understand research better and how I can improve myself in doing research.

 Though I enjoyed every plenary session, I enjoyed most the research presentation part. I was amazed at how the researchers came up with an incredible result. Example those dentistry students who compiled all their lecture notes and were able to come up with their Digital dental Application. Those high school students who did experimental researches, it amazed me. Very inspiring and motivating!

 I am looking forward to another collaborative research presentation not in another place but in Baguio Central University! More innovative researches. Again, I say thank you. Thank you Lord! Soli deo Gloria!

 Teresa Lyn D. Matiwtiw – Presenter from the College of Teacher Education and Graduate  School. Instr. Matiwtiw shared: Thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of the BCU representative at the event. It was a very enriching experience, especially as it was my first time presenting. I learned a lot from the speakers, particularly about technology and innovation, and how they interact with education. The parallel session was particularly interesting, as I was able to learn from the research of other presenters. I look forward to more opportunities like this. These events challenge me to conduct research directly related to the SDGs, with a focus on making a positive impact on others. I truly hope this won’t be my last time participating in such an event.  

BCU CTELA Research Coordinator Aiza Bheal M. Kitani, Instr. Teresa Lyn D. Matiwtiw, and PHAS student Agustina Cayat.

This is the third in a series of articles covering the RISE 2024: ICREATE conference. Stay tuned for the fourth in the coming days.

#RISE2024 #ICREATE2024 #ElevatingHorizonsThroughResearchExcellence.

About the Author:

  Genevieve Balance Kupang serves as the Dean of the Graduate School at Baguio Central University (BCU), a co-host for this conference. She was the lead convenor of the BCU delegation. At the conference, she won the Best Presenter and Best Paper awards for her research, “Weaving Narratives of Integrative Intelligences: Lived Experiences and Impact of Award-Winning Women Peace-Builders.” She is a Leadership Team Member for the Exceptional Woman of Peace Award at Pathways to Peace, a UN Peace Messenger Organization, and the Chair of Special Interest Groups (SIG) of the World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI).