Since the dawn of reason and the awareness of being, man has looked up at the starry sky, searching for answers to his place in the universe and the meaning of his existence. Astronomy has revealed the vastness of the cosmos, which extends beyond what our minds can comprehend.

Yes, this outer magnificence makes us feel small, but at the same time we realize that we are a part of it, a tiny part, but still a part of something incredibly big, wonderful, and incomprehensible to our rational minds. This feeling inspires us to explore, to learn, and to try to transcend our limitations by realizing our potential; if we are part of the Mystery, it means that we share its characteristics and we are assailed by the questions: to what extent are we infinite, are we immortal, are we co-creators?

Through art, religion, philosophy, and science we explore these mysteries in an attempt to understand our existence and find a deeper meaning in the fabric of the cosmos, and it is through the quantum field – also known as the zero point field, a fundamental concept in quantum physics – that science teaches us that we are infinite, where science teaches us that we are one, that we are united, humans, nature, the rest of the Universe or Universes, united in a single flash of energy, and that everything we see, feel and believe to exist are just variations of the basic energy, composed only of fundamental microparticles such as electrons, photons, quarks, etc. The interactions between these fields create the universe.

The interactions between these fields give rise to all the fundamental forces of nature and are described by quantum field theory, one of the most successful and accurate theories in modern physics.

Faced with these formidable questions, the man asks himself another, even more, disturbing one: can the human mind somehow influence the variations of the fundamental energy to modify the material reality in which it operates, or is there an unchangeable determinism that drives us like a carriage on an infinite roller coaster that never stops?

The idea that the human mind can influence the circumstances of life is complex and multidimensional, with perspectives ranging from science to philosophy to spirituality. While there is evidence that our thoughts and actions can influence our perception of and response to circumstances, the exact nature and extent of this influence at the quantum level remains a subject of research and debate.

Nevertheless, even if we do not fully understand the mystery that surrounds us, there are many ways in which a person can find meaning, connection, and satisfaction in life, such as connecting emotionally with the people who inhabit it; building meaningful relationships with friends, family, and community; and continually learning about different aspects of the world. Working on projects that benefit the community can help a person feel more connected and engaged with their environment through art, music, writing, or other forms of expression that allow them to communicate ideas and feelings, self-reflection, and self-exploration to come to a greater personal understanding and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Finally, what this kind of knowledge makes very clear to us is that a violent attack on the planet or any other such thing is an attack on the whole and therefore on ourselves.


Former academic and rector of the Metropolitan Technical University, Chile.