On 28 May 1998, the Baloch National Movement’s Netherlands chapter organized a rally and demonstration in Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands. The rally started in front of Amsterdam Central Station and proceeded to Dam Square. BNM members chanted slogans such as Say no to nuclear bombs, Abolish nuclear bombs in Pakistan, Stop the violations of human rights in Balochistan, Freedom for Balochistan, and Baloch rights are human rights.

The protesters held numerous placards highlighting the nuclear bomb tests in Balochistan and their effects on the Baloch nation, as well as the demand for a free Balochistan. They distributed pamphlets and informed people about how Pakistan occupied their country, the ongoing genocide by Pakistan, the disappearance of their youths, and the exploitation of natural resources by Pakistan.

The Baloch National Movement observes 28 May as the blackest day for the Baloch nation. On this day, Pakistan conducted five nuclear bomb tests without the consent of the Baloch nation in Raskoh, Chaghai District of Balochistan. Since 28 May 1998, the residents of Chaghai have been suffering from numerous diseases such as cancer and polio, among others. People cannot cultivate the land due to the nuclear radiation in the air.

Members of the BNM distributed pamphlets and delivered speeches regarding 28 May 1998. The diaspora of the Baloch National Movement, including those in Germany, the Netherlands, and Britain, demonstrated in different cities and informed people about the situation in Balochistan and the aspirations of the Baloch people.