Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions, and insecurity. New data on global military spending from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been released. (Stockholm, 22 April 2024) Total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023, an increase of 6.8 percent in real terms from 2022. This was the steepest year-on-year increase since 2009. The 10 largest spenders in 2023—led by the United States, China, and Russia—all increased their military spending, according to new data on global military spending published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), available at

As the figures demonstrate, whether governed by dictators or so-called democratic leaders, governments have failed to ensure universal peace and security. It’s time to reevaluate their viability.

The idea of a nation is at the heart of an ideological revolution that began at the end of the 18th century—leading to the American and French Revolutions—which transferred political sovereignty from crowned rulers to the people and transformed the feudal division of society into social groups with different rights and duties. As in previous epochs, the nation-state is a top-down structure controlled by a minority directing the majority.

More recently the global market economy is shaping world infrastructure, from communication, media, entertainment, food, services, travel, transport, and energy, taking over the state’s political control. For over 40 years states’ power has been declining and have not only faltered in providing peace but have also struggled to address future challenges such as climate change, AI, migrations, nuclear weapons, and economic disparities. The idea of nations is outdated, leading to control, and suffering rather than liberation.

Approximately 20 years ago, Silo predicted the emergence of a Universal Human Nation. What once seemed distant is now an urgent reality. Abolishing states and countries is necessary to empower people to shape their conditions of living, eliminating military forces, nuclear weapons, and oppressive institutions.

People’s identities and allegiances lie within cities and towns, not arbitrary borders. Direct democracy should be established at the city level, where individuals live, work, and engage with their communities. The UN published in 2022 that “Cities are at the forefront of climate change action. The world must follow”. Forty years after its establishment as China’s first special economic zone, the city of Shenzhen has emerged as a symbol of reform contributing to lifting 800 million people out of poverty.

The future of humanity hinges on collaboration and coordination among people, cities, regions, and continents.

This vision is founded on two concepts:

  1. Cities will receive 50% of income tax from all residents, with the remainder allocated to the region and at the world level.
  2. Corporations will contribute 20% of their profits to fund a Universal Basic Income for everyone, recognizing people as citizens of the world.

As most of the world now has access to digital currency via their mobile phones, every citizen will have an online personal democratic account giving access to referendums, plebiscites, surveys, and voting capacity. We are in a world of data and digital communication the democratic process needs to adapt. As the banking system moved online, people’s representation should follow.

Reinforcing cultural diversity, including languages and traditions, which have been marginalized by states globally. Religious imposition will cease to exist without the framework of state power, guaranteeing freedom of religion for all individuals. New York City hosts adherents of all world religions, and none are subjected to a dictated lifestyle.

We are in a period of history where we need to reflect more than we have done previously, and yes, it is difficult to imagine one’s future without a country, but really, what do we have to lose? In tech terms, the state is the single point of failure. Now, we need to redesign our human network to have redundancy. Humanity must transcend conflicts over territory and power, embracing individual identities and fostering a world of peace, respect, and justice.