A large march took place today in the capital of El Salvador as a tribute to the 32nd anniversary of the Peace Accords, affirming their necessity and validity.

The different organisations of El Salvador marched from Cuscatlán Park to the Plaza Cívica Captain General Gerardo Barrios to reiterate the validity of the historical memory that includes the pact signed in Mexico City on 16 January 1992, which put an end to the war in the country.

With the slogan “The people won the peace, let’s defend our history”, the Popular Resistance and Rebellion Bloc (BRRP) and the Movement of Victims of the Regime (Movir) were joined by other civil organisations such as the militants of the Farabundo Martí Front, the Disabled and Veterans of the war, feminist movements, etc.

The Accords put an end to the internal conflict in El Salvador, which left some 75,000 people dead, some 8,000 disappeared, and hundreds of massacres, and which was used by the United States to test weapons against popular movements.

The commemoration of the signing of the peace accords comes at a time when the Central American country is under a controversial emergency regime to combat gangs and amid a political and electoral atmosphere ahead of the upcoming presidential elections on 4 February, in which Bukele will seek re-election even though the constitution prohibits it.