Liu Guozhong, a Special Representative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, attended the 3rd South Summit in the Ugandan capital Kampala on Sunday, where he delivered a speech calling for further South-South cooperation and reform of the global governance system.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Group of 77 and, over the past six decades, the Global South has followed the correct path of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit, solidarity and mutual assistance, said Liu, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council.

Independence is the defining political characteristic of the Global South, seeking strength through unity is the glorious tradition of the Global South, development and revitalisation are the historic mission of the Global South, and equity and justice are the common proposals of the Global South, Liu enumerated.

Global transformations not seen in a century are unfolding at a faster pace as the Global South faces a complex external environment, he continued, before calling for more efforts to explore the path to modernisation, promote South-South cooperation at a higher level, actively participate in the reform of the global governance system and deepen a united, equal, balanced and win-win global partnership for development.

Liu stated that the Chinese President has promoted the important vision of building a community of shared future for humanity, as well as the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative, and advocated high-quality cooperation on the Belt and Road, which aims to mobilise global resources, promote the common development of human society, long-term stability and mutual learning among civilisations, and propel the world towards a bright future of peace, security, prosperity, and progress.

As a developing country and a member of the Global South, China has always shared a common destiny with other developing countries and will continue to prioritise South-South collaboration in its external cooperation and contribute to the joint development of developing countries in the Global South, Liu said.

The South Summit is the highest decision-making body of the Group of 77. The meeting was attended by senior representatives of nearly 100 countries and heads of UN agencies.

The original article can be found here