They have stolen your smile and even your tears have sunk in the bitterness of your existence. You don’t understand the hatred, but the blood gushes out, leaving the rivers bitter red and dry of hope. You don’t understand so much wanton slaughter. You do not know how to play or be a child. Your soul has been taken away by the dust of rubble where once there was life.

Why? You ask yourself without finding a coherent answer. You fall silent in the heat of battle. You hide in the wet earth. You cry out in the loneliness of a tomorrow that never comes because of the slaughter. May the villages be raised with white flags; may the sky be filled with white doves. That’s what your heart yearns for as you fall wounded by shrapnel.

And the sky cries, for you, for him, for so many who suffer the fierceness of the scythe.
Your heart still pulsates, it wants to resist the pain of unheard loneliness. You want to show the world your raised hands, requesting tired peace and in the middle of the night, they sing you a lullaby with a sweet voice that loves you and embraces you.

Eyes lost, wandering, blind, marked by fear, hungry and breathless… Where is humanity? Where does humility camp? Who says the truth? They all look aside to avoid the shame of a world where weapons and clear violence reign.

Image created by Pedro Pozas artificial intelligence programme.

And in the meantime, their pulse goes out. Songs and drums are heard at dawn. I close her little eyes that have been left open in the shadow of oblivion, in the tree that shelters life and destiny.

Is this how we want to move forward in the face of a wounded world?

There are no more verses of silent poets, nor rhymes that nourish the beauty of punished poetry, nor the joys of children who wander in search of the story of their truncated lives.

Image created by Pedro Pozas artificial intelligence programme.

And she left in silence
on a starry night
and a new star
shone in the sky
moving away from an Earth
that turned its back on it.

The wandering star
travelled towards nothingness
restlessly searching
for his stolen joy.

A shudder runs through my body to see so much pain mixed with hatred, of human rights violations, of political decisions that only lead us to dehumanised disaster in a world that weeps without finding the desired peace.

When will we ever be able to follow this wrong course that builds walls against the human being himself? The wounds of history sow seeds that rise from the ashes and, like sunken rocks of sinister reefs, try to sink our lives.