With the slogan “Igniting the spark of a future without violence“, the first days of the Summer School of Universalist Humanism of the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection have been convened.

They will take place on 25, 26 and 27 August. Participation is open, but registration is required.

Organised by various humanist associations, which have been joined by different groups, the first days of the Summer School of New Humanism of Parque Toledo will take place from the 25th to the 27th of August. The cross-cutting slogan “Igniting the spark for a future without violence” is undoubtedly a commitment to another possible world, on which many people and associations have already been working.

This initiative seeks to provide a meeting ambit to showcase experiences that have been put into action and to exchange and project images that are committed to the construction of a future that the official dystopian narrative seems to deny and that has active nonviolence as its basis and mode of relationship. There are many of us who live with the idea of nonviolence and who act to make it a reality in society,” say the organisers. There are many volunteers, groups and associations that promote initiatives that are worth knowing about, and there are also many anonymous people who apply the values of nonviolence in their daily lives.

Over the course of three days, there will be panels, round tables, workshops, documentaries, etc., in which the complex and violent current situation will be analysed, without a doubt, but fundamentally the emphasis will be on finding and building nonviolent solutions to lay the foundations for a more humane world. A world that cannot be without different artistic expressions, which will also have their manifestation in these days of encounter and inspiration.

“We are trying to imagine another world and the ways to get there, but we want to live it already during these three days… it is very important to us to bring relationships closer, to build other relationships and to enjoy the encounter”, the organisers tell us.

This conference will be held in parallel to the 2nd Summer School of New Humanism, which will take place in Paris, in Parc La Belle Idée.

In order to facilitate participation, prior registration is required at https://uvpt.org/inscribete/.

The programme of activities can be found at this link https://uvpt.org/programa/