
Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster

The evidence is starting to build that all bets are off on predictions that humanity has a decade, or more, of clear sailing before global warming turns vicious enough to run roughshod over climate change deniers and the mean-spirited anti-climate-change…

The Growing Positive Collective Effect, Your Money and Nuclear Weapons

As this report wraps, the Golden Rule has sailed into the horror we have created, Groton-New London, Connecticut, where sixteen of our newest nuclear powered and nuclear weapon carrying submarines are being assembled.   Just one of these omnicidal subs…

Scientists find a new species of armoured dinosaur

Scientists have found a species of ankylosaurs, herbivorous dinosaurs of the ornithischian group that inhabited the Earth 142-65 million years ago. Experts from the Natural History Museum involved in the discovery of the dinosaur called Vectipelta barretti on the British…

The Crisis of Civilisation and Humanism: A memorable lecture by Silo at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow

On 18 June 1992, an event of singular significance took place. At the Russian Academy of Sciences, the humanist thinker Silo gave a lecture on “The Crisis of Civilisation and Humanism”. Unnoticed or usually silenced by the hegemonic Western press,…

No more deaths at sea! Presidium at the Greek consulate in Milan

After the terrible shipwreck that occurred in Greece, the associations Mediterranea Saving Humans – Milan, ResQ – People saving people, Naga, Emergency, Cambio Passo, ACLI Provinciali, and Rete NOCPR organized a presidium under the Greek consulate in Milan to continue…

Protests around the world demand amnesty for the first scientist imprisoned in the UK

Scientist Rebellion and other climate and human rights groups have protested in eight countries during the weekend. Protesters are demanding amnesty for Scientist Rebellion co-founder, Mike Lynch-White, sentenced to 23 months in prison for a peaceful action, and for others…

Shipwreck in Pylos. Open letter by over 180 human rights organizations

Today on World Refugee Day, we jointly demand full and independent investigations into the events, clear consequences for those responsible, an end to the systematic pushback practices at the European borders, and justice for the victims. 10 years after the…

The Greek migrant shipwreck is another preventable tragedy at the borders of Europe

The Mediterranean route between Libya and Italy has been described as the “world’s most dangerous maritime crossing”. This was proven once again last week in the tragic shipwreck of a boat full of men, women and children, around 50 miles…

The Golden Rule, peace boat received a New York Council Citation “as gentle wind behind your beautiful sails”.

On a beautiful day outside NYC City Hall, City Council Member Carlina Rivera sparked the good size crowd with enthusiasm, conviction and truth telling about why we need to welcome the missions of Veterans For Peace and Move the Money. …

Capitalizing on Youth Disillusionment: the Lucrative Business of German Language Schools in Tunisia

Based on numbers issued by the Ministry of Education, roughly 136,000 students started taking their Baccalaureate exam, the national high-school leaving exam, between June 7 to 14 this year, and successful candidates are then expected to make a choice that…

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