
A Pall of Hate Darkens Pride Month

The modern struggle for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people has been waged for over a century. Despite significant gains, the work is sadly far from over as Pride Month begins. Just as massive plumes of sun-dimming smoke…

Organisations demonstrate children’s rights in the constitution.

Movimiento Movilizándonos mobilised in favour of the rights of children and adolescents in the Magna Carta. While in the former National Congress, the Commission of Experts presented the preliminary draft and took over the Constitutional Council to develop the new…

The “unique” interpretation of dreams

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we set up a place of exchange where we find a new look at daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), which gives some concrete proposals…

Lula explains the plan to end deforestation in Amazon by 2030

Brazilian President Lula da Silva presented his plan to end deforestation in the Amazon by 2030. Together with Environment Minister Marina Silva, he made the announcement as part of the initiatives taken by the government to combat climate change. “Due…

U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts New Resolution “Calling for Urgent Action to Avoid Nuclear War, Resolve the Ukraine Conflict, Lower Tensions with China, and Redirect Military Spending to Meet Human Needs”

At the close of its 91st Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, on June 5, 2023, the final business plenary of the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) unanimously adopted a new resolution, titled, “Calling for Urgent Action to Avoid Nuclear…

US-China rivalry Should Not Affect Bringing Solution to Rohingya Crisis

For the past six years, the repatriation of Rohingya refugees to their homeland has been a contentious issue between their homeland Myanmar and host country Bangladesh since Myanmar authorities have consistently refused to recognize the Rohingya people as their own…

Brazil, Lula: “We will eliminate deforestation in the Amazon by 2030”

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has promised that the deforestation process suffered by the Brazilian Amazon will end by 2030, after making combatting indiscriminate logging and forest removal the centerpiece of his environmental policy. Lula’s Brazilian socialist government…

Austrian Censorship of Peace Conference Is An Outrage

Forty-eight hours before a global peace conference in Vienna, Austria, was to begin, the venue host abruptly cancelled. Peace, it seems, cannot be discussed, especially peace in Ukraine. This news is a disturbing step in a growing trend. Owners of the venue which was…

No Give and Yes Take: Once again, France tightens visa restrictions on Tunisians and rejects their applications over ambiguous reasons.

Even though the right to mobility is one of the fundamental rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a significant number of Tunisians find themselves deprived of such a right, even after fulfilling all the bureaucratic procedures for…

Enforce the Phase-out Deadline on Mercury-containing Dental Amalgam in the Philippines

Environmental watchdog group BAN Toxics calls the attention of the regulators to enforce the phase-out deadline on the use of mercury in dental restorative procedures with the 3-year transitory period (ending in May 2023) in the country. This effectively bans…

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