Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos

Published with permission of the author.
Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is looking more and more like the red carpet at Cannes, but behind the appearance of a vanity fair where everyone helps everyone else to hold up their masks, Davos undoubtedly has a disturbing global power agenda.

The format of the event is designed to impress, but in reality, it is a play with five types of characters: the stars, the extras, the journalists, the visible faces of the organization, and, finally, the globalist shadow power, of which the WEF is one of the main instruments. | Pascal Bitz

The characters of the play

The organisers first choose the stars, a few power figures who act as bait and who are often prominent politicians and billionaires, i.e., the Caesars and Crassars of today.

Like moths irremediably attracted by their glitter, the extras come, who will embellish their feathers by telling how they have rubbed shoulders with the powerful, even though most of the time rubbing shoulders is exactly that: lightly brushing elbows as they pass each other in a narrow corridor. This is the case of most multinational managers, bureaucrats, NGOs, politicians from unimportant countries and intellectuals. Vanitas vanitatum.

The same vanity attracts journalists, also driven by their proverbial curiosity and fascination with secrecy. They are offered the crumbs of power, even though their real function in the work is to transmit the slogans properly and to protect the power in the shadows from any negative publicity.

The visible faces of the organisation are bureaucrats who are not necessarily required to have great knowledge and intellectual profundity, but other talents, and who, although they have authority, are not the Authority.

Finally, there are the knights of hidden power, not least because invisibility was what Tolkien’s One Ring bestowed on its Bearer. Their members enter the stage humming the first verse of a song by my admired Freddie Mercury: Here we are/Born to be Kings/We are the Princes of the Universe. We will talk about them later.

Davos is a large convention, gathering around 2,600 people. Most of them are representatives of wealthy companies and foundations, although about 10% are representatives of news agencies and media, a figure that shows the importance given to journalists as transmitters of the relevant guidelines.

Regular participants have been the big global censors (Google, Microsoft and Facebook), representatives of the UN and the EU, a few Anglo-Saxon universities (especially Harvard) and the global “philanthropic” powers, especially Bill Gates (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a WEF donor [1]) and George Soros (Open Society).

Finally, two-thirds of the participants tend to come from the US and Europe, although the Arab dictatorships of the Persian Gulf are disproportionately represented in relation to their GDP [2], implying a suggestive intimacy between the major oil producers and the promoters of climate change fraud. | Valeriano Di Domenico

The hypocrisy of Davos

One characteristic of the World Economic Forum is its hypocrisy: “the rules are for you, not for me”. For example, it advocates transparency, but they are the champions of opacity. With an income of 360 million Swiss francs and a staff of around 800 people, its annual report does not break down its income by donor, nor its expenditure, of which it only gives a couple of headings without further detail [3]. Nor is there any independent audit report to be found.

Likewise, the same World Economic Forum that defends the state as a stakeholder and will be raising taxes is an exempt entity that does not pay any taxes beyond the social security of its employees.

They talk about dialogue, but in their meetings, there is never any debate between opposing positions, only the constant repetition of their own slogans. They also support censorship of the media and the laughably named fact-checkers, possibly of their own making. In reality, Davos has never been an advocate of freedom, a term that Klaus Schwab barely mentions in his books (and never clearly defends) while omitting the term “private property” altogether.

The latest exercise in hypocrisy by the World Economic Forum has to do with its climate totem. The menus at Davos do not seem to feature insects or synthetic hamburgers but sirloin steak, yet the CEO of Siemens, a WEF advisor, has the gall to propose that one billion people should stop eating meat in order to have an impact on the climate [4]. And his attendees do not come in electric cars or Troncomobiles, but in a hypocritical swarm of “polluting” private jets. | Sikarin Fon Thanachaiary

A drive for total domination

Who are those who wield power in the shadows – or, rather, in the penumbra? Roughly speaking, they are multi-millionaire individuals and institutions for whom money is already of diminishing marginal utility (power is not) and who are united by their messianism, their god complex, their megalomania and a common goal: to deprive man of the gift of freedom, which they despise, believing that only they, the chosen ones, superior beings, know what should be done.

Politically, the model they dream of is much closer to China than to democracy, to which they reserve the role of deciding only on trifles while the broad lines of thought and action are decided by “the elite”. Thus, in this globalist movement, elected politicians do not belong to the officers but to the troops. They do not command; they are commanded, for those who aspire to global dominance cannot expose themselves to public scrutiny or rotate every four years. As Elon Musk (one of the few to decline the invitation to attend Davos) rightly sums up, “the World Economic Forum is becoming an unelected world government that the people never requested and the people don’t want”.

Like Sauron, the makers of this globalist One Ring suffer from the libido dominandi described by St. Augustine in the 5th century, i.e., a lust for universal domination. Their will to power knows no bounds, for their project, as we shall see, is nothing less than a New Creation in which they rival God himself. However, unlike God, they do not want a free human being capable of love, but a frightened servant who limits himself to obedience. Thus, the gradual establishment of the Culture of Fear in Western societies, as witnessed by the covid hysteria and the climate apocalypse, is no coincidence.

We must understand that they consider any power structure alien to them as hostile. On the one hand, their global vocation makes unelected supranational organisations (such as the UN or the EU) their preferred system of governance and the nation-state their declared enemy, which is why they always caricature patriotism as radical nationalism.

On the other hand, they also declare war on the family, which for them is just another rival power structure that protects its members and hinders their goal of isolating the individual in order to control him more easily. Thus, one can understand the diabolical siege to which this secular institution is being subjected, a fortress founded on a force they do not control (love) and once considered impregnable, but now subjected to the constant bombardment of incitement to the struggle between the sexes and the perverse gender ideology while its walls are undermined by lack of commitment (concubinage, quickie divorce, abortion, etc.).

Finally, they consider belief in God and religion (especially Christianity) as another hostile power structure, something natural given their militant atheism, residual in the general population in the US and very much a minority in Europe [5] but clearly a majority in this power group, a relevant point that is often overlooked. | Ciaran McCrickard

The anthropological subversion of the Great Reset

The prosaic power agenda described above being absolutely real, it is worth dwelling on the background to the battle at hand, which is anthropological in nature. Indeed, the goal of the new gods is to recreate the world according to their dystopian delusions.

To achieve this, their strategy is first to deconstruct the human being and then to reconstruct it. Deconstruction is achieved by blurring the moral and anthropological references that constitute his true centre of gravity, so that, weakened and without a compass, he can become a dismantled puppet. Thus, beyond the liberticidal social, political and economic changes they will be proposing, this is in reality their Great Reset: a New Creation with a New Man, an obedient and amoral clone, a silent and submissive servant, without voice or vote, who will be told what to do.

Naturally, this dystopia, presented in the nude, is very unattractive, so in order to “lure them all in and bind them to darkness” they need to use lies, promising the apparent opposite of servitude: the Homo Deus, the god-man. This explains the gradual imposition of scientism in Western societies, which has transformed Science (or rather the pretence of science) into an idol that will allow man to become God, to know the future and to dominate life and death, which is why the enormous limitations of human knowledge (in climate, science or medicine) are systematically concealed.

The next step is transhumanism, which promises to overcome the aforementioned human limitations (physical and mental) through technology, which explains the media campaign launched to spread the chimera of the imminent discovery of the secret of longevity and immortality like a fine and persistent rain, a reflection of a pride that rebels against the insurmountable limit of death. | Benedikt von Loebell

A real threat to freedom

The strategy of those pulling the strings of the World Economic Forum is the fait accompli, the accomplished fact. No one has debated or voted on Agenda 2030, or the covid passport, or gender ideology, or the economic suicide of climate fraud, or media censorship, or the reduction of the world’s population at all costs. These “ideas” simply appeared one day as if by magic, took over the media and imposed themselves as the only way of thinking.

Perhaps the most paradigmatic case is the EU, the laboratory par excellence of globalism, whose seductive “elite”, answerable to no one and acting with increasing despotism, makes it the ideal environment for promoting these programmes of accomplished facts.

However, despite the obvious power they flaunt, we cannot spill out into defeatism. Evil tries to intimidate by appearing omnipotent when in reality it hides a radical impotence, for it knows that it can win battles, but that it will always lose the war. That said, what is the best way to fight it?

Given its preference for secrecy and censorship, what we must do is point the finger at it, put it under the spotlight to dispel the darkness that protects it and raise our voices to break the silence it imposes, stripping it of all seductive disguises and depriving it even of its perfumes to show it in all its ugliness and in all its stench.

The World Economic Forum and the powers that move it are becoming a parody of themselves and will fail in their attempt at global domination as their sinister and nonsensical delusions appear openly for what they are.

[1] WEF_The_Power_of_Partnerships_Report_2022.pdf (
[2] Who’s on the Magic Mountain? | The Economist
[3] WEF_Annual_Report_2021_22.pdf (
[4] Davos speaker calls for one billion people to ‘stop eating meat’ for ‘innovation’ and the environment | Fox News
[5] 10 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center

The original article can be found here