The current confusion of political directions became evident with the breakdown of the DC-PC agreement for the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.
The lurking crisis of distrust had been showing signs since the failed presidential candidacies of 2017, fermented in the Constituent Assembly and matured when the people rejected the proposed New Constitution with 62%.
The failure of the Constituent Assembly shook the political compass. Two new parties appeared: the Yellow Party and the Democratic Party. The DC is bleeding and bleeding to death. In the parties we blame ourselves, resign, while the non-militant country claims lack of solution to the growing economic and social crisis.
In the recent House election, the breach of the DC-PC pact and the illusory electoral alliance of the Right with a populist party that did not fulfil its vows and the government intervening, scandalised the confusion. Public symptoms showed ill-constituted trusts. Evidently, the right wing in making a pact with the so-called People’s Party to win the Presidency of the House showed that it has even lost the expertise of tactical alliances.
In addition to this evidence of leadership, there is the degradation of the civic pedagogy that it is incumbent upon us politicians to honour our commitments.
The DC justifies its non-compliance with the PC by aggressions against the Christian Democrat Director of the Human Rights Institute, Sergio Micco.
Didn’t the DC know that these communist opinions were cultivated since the “explosion”, that is to say 2 years before committing itself to elect a communist deputy as President? DC and PC disagreed on human rights and the lack of condemnation of violence two years before signing the agreement. They clashed over the Constituent Assembly but the DC assured that it would vote for the PC for President.
It was understandable that they signed agreements, because agreements are made by compromising with those who have differences, but they are not broken by arguing surprise over those differences.
And it was fresh that the CP sought the Christian Democrat votes by indulging in harsh disqualifications from 2019 until the election date in 2022.
We are moving like the sailboats with which I accompany this text, which, premonitory, I drew in front of the little castle that can be seen from the Presidential Rest House in Viña del Mar.
We need to study better what has happened in Chile since the 2019 “outburst” of the people demanding changes by voting in 2021 with 78% for a New Constitution and which, in 2022, rejected with 62%, by a landslide, the work of the failed democratically elected Constituent Convention. Thus, the spectacle of the House election is a symptomatic consequence of something deeper.
The CP did not sign the 2019 agreement for a New Constitution. It repudiated it in much the same way as it isolated itself in 1988 by calling not to register to vote No to Pinochet, until those of us who were militants forced the leadership to join. In 2021, the PC, repentant, joined the CC, warning that they were going to “surround” the Convention; for months they justified the violence in the streets by disqualifying the DC and the Concertación. If this was already a daily occurrence, can the DC declare itself surprised by the repudiatory insults, lawsuits, unjust and disproportionate accusations that the PC makes against its militant Sergio Micco? And is it not at least confusing that the PC asks the DC for votes for the Presidency of the House, while it accuses Micco of cover-ups of crimes against humanity and human rights abuses as director of the Human Rights Institute?
The DC and the PC knew about the “who is who” when they made their political pact, that is why the breaking of the agreement is as or more disorienting than its signature.
Entangled in its own forest, the DC leadership sanctioned Fuad Chahin, its only DC militant elected to the CC, punished for voting “rejection” along with 62% of the country. While others withdrew from the party, he remained. Now he has had enough and is resigning from the party of his life.
Adding madness to the compass, the government of President Boric, in a hopeful speech, announced his pension project, going from 26% to 33% approval in his 8 months of government but, instead of changing the communication agenda, he clumsily got into the fight in the Chamber of Deputies saying daily that he should stay out of it.