
Battle for the Earth: The Shocking Extent of the Far-Right Influence Network – Part 7

In order to defend the interests of the fossil fuel industry as well as the other goals of the right-wing libertarian agenda (deregulation, limited government, tax breaks for the wealthy, free trade and globalisation), the far-right billionaires and multimillionaires (“the…

The West Is Using COP27 to Shift Blame to Poorer Nations—Private Greed Prevails Over Humanity’s Survival

In the hands of capital, “clean” natural gas is worse than “dirty” coal. But rich nations have devised an elaborate system to conceal facts and shift blame to poorer nations. By Prabir Purkayastha COP27 has begun in Sharm el-Sheikh. Although…

Intentional Evolution

A whole new phase in the evolution of life on Earth has begun. And it will change everything. In this new phase evolution will be driven intentionally by humanity. The evolutionary worldview that emerges from understanding this role has the…

Who Should Pay for Climate Crisis? Global South Demands “Loss and Damage” from Wealthy Nations

We are broadcasting from COP27, the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where poorer countries in the Global South that are weathering the worst effects of the climate crisis are calling for wealthy nations to pay reparations in the…

Reactions to Greta Thunberg’s boycott of COP27

COP27 has already started and entered its second week. Nevertheless, it has been met with various controversies which led some activists to boycott it, with Greta Thunberg being the most important person to do so. Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish…

The importance of positivity in negotiations to eliminate weapons of mass destruction

On Monday 14th November, the third session of the UN Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDFZ) kicked off with the usual round of opening statements in…

The novel ‘Love in the villa of the White Sea’ is about seeing the light of day

The novel Amor en la villa del mar Blanco by the Saharawi writer and translator, Ali Salem Iselmu, is about to be published, In order to publish it, a Crowdfunding campaign has been launched, in which people can collaborate, especially…

Young People on the Ground at COP27

Youth representation at COP27 – the official United Nations climate conference being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt – appears to be greater than in many years past. However, say delegates of all ages, young people are still not as prevalent…

The clamour for public health care overflows Madrid and sends a warning to Ayuso

The citizens of Madrid responded massively to the demonstration against the privatisation policies of the regional government. More images of the mobilisation on this link The Leap Attendance at the demonstration for Public Health on Sunday 13 November has exceeded…

Face 2 Face with Skip Schiel

On this show, we speak with Skip Schiel photographer of the Nakba photographic project. We discussed his experience of meeting the refugees indigenous Palestinians, often living in refugee camps in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine, interviewing and photographing them,…

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