
Racism and discrimination strike millions of children worldwide

Racism and discrimination against children on the basis of their ethnicity, language and religion remain widespread in many countries around the world, according to a UNICEF study released on World Children’s Day, 20 November. On World Children’s Day, and every…

Tegucigalpa Declaration

The XII Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), began in October, with the realization of four virtual events and culminated with the presential meeting in Tegucigalpa, on November 7 to 11, 2022, hosted…

Latin American-Caribbean unity: When, if not now?

There are occasions in history that must be seized. They are windows of opportunity that indicate that the time to move forward decisively has come. Indecision in such circumstances is inadvisable and even reprehensible. Such is the current case with…

Hebe Bonafini, an emblem of the struggle of the Patria Grande (the Great Homeland)

Who is Hebe Bonafini? First and foremost a housewife who gave birth to herself, after the disappearance of her children during the dictatorship of 1976. She was not a leader, nor a civil servant, nor did she have postgraduate degrees…

Hebe de Bonafini: Infinite beacon

There are people who are models all their lives. Hebe de Bonafini is one of those who will continue to be a model for the rest of her life. Few people symbolise in such a concrete way the unwavering and…

EcoWaste Coalition Raises the Alarm over Toxic Plasticizers in Toys and Baby Care Products

22 November 2022, Quezon City.  Amid the observance of National Children’s Month and the Christmas shopping season, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has sounded the alarm over the presence of known endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) called phthalates (pronounced THAL-ates) not…

Applauding Evil — Evil by the Standards of Jesus’ Teachings in the Gospels

“America’s newest cardinal called on his fellow bishops to challenge lawmakers who want to cut Ukraine military aid, urging prelates to speak out against leaders in the next Congress angling to reduce U.S. support for the country as it battles…

The Waters Are Running Red in Africa’s Great Lakes Region—A War Is Raging We Can’t Ignore Any Longer

In early November, foreign ministers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Christophe Lutundula Apala Pen’Apala, and Rwanda, Vicent Biruta met in Luanda, Angola, to find a political solution to a conflict that has been ongoing in eastern DRC for…

346 tactics of civil resistance in the 21st century

One of Gene Sharp’s most widely reproduced publications is his 1973 list of 198 nonviolent methods (or types of action). In 2021 Michael Beer published a study in which 346 tactics of nonviolent resistance are listed. These 148 types of…

“Las Sinsombrero”, Those without hats ∼ Women who complete our mutilated history.

The exhibition “Las Sinsombrero” at the Fernando Fernán Gómez Theatre, Centro Cultural de la Villa in Madrid, opened on 19 October 2022 and will be open until 15 January 2023. By Iñaki Cháves They are yet another of the countless…

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