Participation in the ‘24 hours for Julian Assange‘ marathon, which will take place on 15 October, is growing fast and spreading across the planet.

The call launched by the international news agency Pressenza at the end of July has already been endorsed by hundreds of people all over the planet, from Julian’s native Australia to Latin America, from major European capitals to the Far East.

At least 30 events have already been confirmed, with just under two months to go before the initiative. Growing day by day are the numbers of journalists, activists and non profits that will be offering a contribution during the marathon. Events can be a public statement, a short poem, a song, a quip, a brief sketch…. anything expressing support for Julian.Each contribution will be assigned a time slot during the marathon. All together these contributions will fill the 24 hours as the marathon criss-crosses the planet on 15 October.

How does it work?

The event will start in a given city at a given time on 15 October and will last 24 hours, during which a live broadcast will link all the initiatives around the planet. The live broadcast will also include any videos and recorded statements sent in by participants.

We aim for as much openness, diversity and creativity as possible – a gathering of friends, a small neighbourhood event, a rally… everyone is welcome, no matter how ‘small’ or ‘big’ the contribution. Journalists, grassroots activists, entertainers, artists, writers etc. are welcome to participate according to their possibilities, abilities and tastes.

It will also be possible to participate by organising a “listening group” in your neighbourhood, at home with friends, in a local coffee shop or public square… Listening together enables people to exchange comments on the streamed events face to face — much more satisfying than writing comments in a chat box.

To participate with a proposal, please write  to

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