
To Save Planet, Solve Twin Crises of Climate Change and Species Loss Together, Say UN Scientists

Some climate solutions can actually harm biodiversity. But there are synergistic solutions that can tackle both issues. By Reynard Loki The natural world is undergoing two enormous crises that are currently threatening the natural world: climate change and biodiversity loss.…

The First MeRA25 Party Congress

Sofia Sakorafa with the Ambassador of Palestine, Marwan Toubassi. Photograph by Pressenza The first party congress of Mera25 (DiEM25’s Greek Electoral Wing) took place over three days: 4-6 June. The party already has a presence in the Greek parliament following the results of the…

International Peace Bureau Call for Bold Steps at Biden Putin Summit

“Given that human survival lies in the balance of U.S.-Russian relations and tensions, we need more than an exchange of views and cautious steps to improve strategic stability. For humanity’s sake, we urge the U.S. and Russian leaders to re-imagine…

Beware Atlantic Charters

The last time the U.S. President and UK Prime Minister announced an “Atlantic Charter” it happened in secret, without public involvement, without Congress or Parliament. It laid out plans for shaping the world upon the conclusion of a war that…

Meet the Communists Who Now Govern Chile

Javiera Reyes, who is 31 years old, is the new mayor of the Santiago municipality of Lo Espejo in Chile. “I grew up in a home where [former President of Chile] Salvador Allende was always the good guy,” she told…

How Democrats and Progressives Undermined the Potential of the Biden-Putin Summit

No matter what happens at Wednesday’s summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin in Geneva, a grim reality is that Democratic Party leaders have already hobbled its potential to move the world away from the worsening dangers of nuclear war. After nearly…

Abolishing Police and Abolishing Militaries

The similarities between the movement to abolish war and the movement to abolish police and prisons jump out at me anew when reading Mariame Kaba’s We Do This ‘Til We Free Us, which is about police and prison abolition. The book…

Inculcating more humane values, Latin American educators think of new educational model

Latin America -COPEHU To give way to this initiative, different educators from various parts of Latin America met virtually to reflect on their current experiences in the midst of the pandemic scenario, and to generate future proposals for rethinking the…

On Climate and Covid-19 Emergencies, G7 Judged a ‘Colossal Failure’ for All the World to See

“Never in the history of the G7 has there been a bigger gap between their actions and the needs of the world. In the face of these challenges the G7 have chosen to cook the books on vaccines and continue…

There Is No Labor Shortage, Only Labor Exploitation

Conservatives and corporate employers are weaving an insidious web of myths, lies and exaggerations to justify maintaining low-wage jobs. By Sonali Kolhatkar For the past few months, Republicans have been waging a ferocious political battle to end federal unemployment benefits,…

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