
The Climate and Ecological Crisis and Human Health

In the framework of the Open Encounter of New Humanism, called “The human being as a central value”, we reflect on the global environmental situation and its effects on health. By Doris Balvín What is the state of the global…

Protection of native seeds – Interview with Melissa Gómez Gil

After graduating from high school, Melissa started an undergraduate programme in Biology at the University of Antioquia, but after five semesters she decided to take a break in order to commit herself to community work in rural areas. This decision…

An echo in the desert’, a synthesis of the work of the Truth Commission and the National Victims’ Roundtable

The play ‘An Echo in the Desert’ was presented in a single performance. Together with a listening process and a multimedia product, it is part of the results of the social dialogue process carried out by the Commission with the…

Greece: Minister of Immigration threatens criminal investigations of lawyer who denounces pushbacks

Following direct testimony by Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament, about a pushback underway in Samos, Notis Mitarachi makes a denial and announces investigations by the authorities of Dimitris Choulis, a human rights lawyer and a consultant for Still…

Mapuche Tehuelche Parliament in Cuesta del Ternero. Communiqué

From 5 to 7 November, Mapuche Tehuelche communities met in El Bolsón, Río Negro, to discuss the various situations they are experiencing in their process of territorial recovery. Below is the communiqué they produced, including a statement of the conflicts…

Faced with the normalisation of mass murder in Ecuador

Massacre in prisons (Image taken from Corredores migratorios website) Mass killings in prisons cannot be normalised in our sensibilities or in politics. The massacre that took place in the early hours of 13 November at the Penitenciaría del Litoral is…

Chile: Very positive change in the Communist Party

The statements critical of the grotesque electoral fraud carried out by Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua made by the deputies Camila Vallejo and Karol Cariola; by the mayor of Santiago, Iraci Hassler; by the presidential pre-candidate, Daniel Jadue; by the prominent…

Conscientious Objection: A Right and a Duty

I want to recommend a new film and a new book. The film is called The Boys Who Said NO! There’s more courage and moral integrity in this documentary than in any fictional blockbuster. With the wars now underway and threatened being…

Cubans More Excited About School Reopening Than Regime Change

“If you build it, they will come,” said Kevin Costner in the Field of Dreams. In Cuba, they didn’t come. Dissidents on the island, with their U.S. backers, had been working feverishly for months to turn the unprecedented July 11…

Jailed US journalist Danny Fenster freed and deported from Myanmar

Danny Fenster, the American journalist, was released on Monday and deported out of the southeast Asian country. Danny Fenster is on a flight out of Myanmar, said the authority of a digital media outlet named Frontier Myanmar, where he is…

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