
In Argentina’s Chaco Region, the Forest Is Also a Source of Electricity

The forest is the main resource in the Chaco, a vast plain shared by Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. And how to use it sustainably is the most difficult question. Two recently inaugurated power plants fired by forest biomass provide a…

A Beacon of Hope from A Buddhist Leader in the Face of Crises

Like the United Nations, the global community-based Buddhist organisation Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a beacon of hope to a world shrouded by dark clouds of unprecedented crises. An international association of the Soka Gakkai and an NGO in consultative…

Our opposition grows: Dangers of launching nukes into space

By Bruce Gagnon coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.  The US began launching space probes with nuclear power in the early 1960’s.  One of these military satellites powered with a nuclear reactor fell back…

NATO 2030 – United for a New Era

By CND and peace activist Rae Street. NATO recently commissioned a report on the future of NATO from ten experts appointed by the Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.   It opens with congratulations to themselves, as according to the authors, NATO is…

Bolsonaro May Well Emerge Unscathed from Brazil’s Disaster

Viewpoint by Robert Muggah* It was once fashionable to describe Brazil as the country of the future. What a difference half a decade makes. In recent years, a democratically elected president was stripped of power and ultimately replaced by an…

Like a Colonial Ruler

Demands for new sanctions against Moscow are raised in Berlin: “We want regime change.” Among Germany’s ruling elites, demands for imposing new sanctions on Moscow and stirring up Russia’s younger generation are increasing. “The objectives we have in relationship to…

Face 2 Face with Harpreet Singh Toor

LIVE SHOW: Monday, February 22nd at 3 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Harpreet Toor, Richmond Hill resident in queens, running for City Council District 23. Mr. Toor offers his 30 years of experience and activism with…

Sacred Spaces

VISUAL ARTS: PHOTOGRAPHY         Photographs by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina Santillan Sometimes, you enter a place, and somehow you are imbued with a feeling, a sensibility, an experience that you have penetrated a space you could call…

Wherever you look back

POEM       by Rem Tanauan WHEREVER YOU LOOK BACK, there’s haiku. In fact, it’s there in the moss on the wall blessed by rain. In the fallen jasmin, like an upturned umbrella on a grimy road. In the…

What is it Like to be Trapped in a Desert Jail For 20 Years? The Oufkir Family Story

BOOK REVIEW            Stolen Lives by Malika Oufkir  Book Review by Mona Gonzalez I read Stolen Lives twice. The first time, I couldn’t put it down because it was just shocking. The second time I read…

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