
Invitation: Parliament of Planetary Citizenship

The discussion about the need to create a global governance of the common Earth starting from the peoples has been going on for a long time. Initiatives in this direction already exist and are very welcome. Saturday, 03/27/2021 02:00 PM…

Erdoğan Starts a Political Earthquake in Turkey

By Vijay Prashad and E. Ahmet Tonak Significant developments are underway in Turkey. Most ominously, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) has moved toward the banning of one of the country’s main…

Nuclear fuel buried 108 feet from the sea

“The most toxic substance on Earth is separated from exposure to society by ½” of steel encased in a canister.” (Blanch) That eye-opener comes from renowned nuclear expert Paul Blanch in reference to spent fuel rods removed from the San…

The Myanmarese migrants’ voice in South Korea

On the day of the annual observance for the 2021 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, an important event was held in Seoul, Korea. The day was observed and celebrated on March 21, 2021, urging the Korean government…

Chronicle of the Ordinary Giants n°1

A few days ago, on March 11, we celebrated the “1 year” of our global and official entry into the pandemic (subsequently qualified as an epidemic, that’s another story). When I say “we”, it is really us, all humans, humanity. One year…

The pope in Iraq

The Pope’s decision to visit Mesopotamia must be carefully considered, given the complexity of the geopolitical issues of the Near and Middle East. The Pope went to a place that is the scene of a geopolitical clash, where there are…

Scientists Say Humanity Now at ‘Dawn of What Must Be a Transformative Decade’

“Whether humanity has the collective wisdom to navigate the Anthropocene to sustain a livable biosphere for people and civilizations, as well as for the rest of life with which we share the planet, is the most formidable challenge facing humanity.”…

Top Rights Tweets of the Week

Jim Murphy Trending rights tweets this week: Killings continue in Myanmar as the military junta declared martial law, meaning protesters or activists can be brought before military courts and have no right to appeal sentences meted out; US calls on…

Not just Atlanta, but also Victoria, B.C.

Acknowledging the racism and white supremacy embedded in Canadian society Written by Nevin Thompson This article was adapted from a personal essay originally published on Facebook and Medium. On Wednesday, March 17, a terrible mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia killed…

Women who Build the Future: Gemma Bird

Started on March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza is publishing a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. In this interview Anna Polo speaks with Gemma Bird, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International…

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