
Ground the Drones!

There are a number of hurdles to clear before you can get people to support banning armed drones or surveillance drones. One is the existence of good drones. It seems silly, but it is the number one cause of failures…

Freedom of the Press 2021: Greece in 70th Place in the World

The  World Press Freedom Index 2021  published by Reporters without Borders (RSF) shows that journalism, “the basic vaccine against misinformation”, is being blocked completely or in part in 73% of the 180 countries which the organization monitors. This year’s Index,…

The need for digital democratization is gaining space in the social agenda

With the aim of understanding and socializing the characteristics of the current techno-digital system and identifying strategies of struggle to curb the unwarranted corporate monopolistic appropriation of these technologies, the Sessions “Utopias or Dystopias. The Peoples of Latin America and…

Amid Eid ul-Fitr celebrations, a look at the Muslim presence in the Caribbean

Written by Fausia A. Eid is an Islamic feast of togetherness From Barbados’ Quran memorisers (hafiz) and Guyana’s religious radio programmes to open-air, socially distanced Arabic classes in Trinidad and Tobago, Muslims and their religious practices have been a part of…

On the violence in Israel and Palestine

Pressenza republishes here the text of the statement released by the Middle East Treaty Organization issued today. The latest violent conflict between Palestine and Israel further destabilises an already volatile region. The Middle East continues to face insecurity, instability and…

Reimagining Education with Imagination

By Yasmine Sherif – Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait To achieve SDG4 on quality inclusive education, we must prioritize mental health The month of May marks mental health awareness month or mental health awareness week in several countries…

Women who Build the Future: Zohar Chamberlain Regev

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, who is Israeli, works as a volunteer at the Palestine Museum of Natural History, which is directed by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh. The Museum’s motto is respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for ones’ environment, as…

“Basic Income would allow us to gain a social base that is essential to defeat fascism”. Interview with Daniel Raventós

Laure Vega conducted this interview for Catarsi magazine. We begin, as always, with a brief explanation of what Basic Income is and its defence from a republican perspective: Basic Income is a public, monetary, unconditional and universal allocation. It is…

Mismanagement of the COVID-19 Crisis Increases Food Insecurity in India and Brazil

As Indians continue to scramble for survival through a deadly second COVID-19 wave and deal with an inadequate health care system that has failed them at every step, for a majority of the country living in rural areas and in…

Jerusalem: the politics behind the latest explosion of violence in the Holy City

The recent violence at the al-Aqsa mosque/Temple Mount area and in the Old City of Jerusalem has spiralled into something bigger and more dangerous. Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters at the weekend have left hundreds injured. Tensions…

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