On the 5th, 6th and 7th of November, the Open World Meeting of New Humanism will be held virtually, with the slogan “The Human Being as a Central Value”.

Its objective is to be an intermediate milestone for a larger project that began in early 2021 and will culminate in 2022 with the 1st World Humanist Forum.

This Encounter intends to generate an open space where all Humanist expressions, together with other organisations and social movements, can present their points of view, their proposals, their projects, etc., in order to give a humanising response to the current world situation and to support each other in the construction of a future where the human being is the central value.

The Meeting is open to receive activities from any activist or social organisation working in the perspective of Non-Violence and Non-Discrimination.

Registration for activities and participation in the meeting can be done through our website worldhumanistforum.org until November 2nd inclusive.

During the three days, there will be common activities and simultaneous activities, self-organised and self-managed by the people who organise them from 9:00 to 21:00, Argentina time. We ask you to take into account the schedules of the common moments of the Meeting so that all of us can participate in the joint moments.

The general programme of all the activities, common and simultaneous, can be consulted on the website and you can also find us on Facebook: The human being as a central value.

This is an invitation to participate in the Open World Meeting of New Humanism 2021 because “It is necessary the union of all humanists of the world in the construction of a society where the human being is the central concern and value, where human diversity has a place in all its extension, bringing down new walls and building bridges to guarantee a world of Human Rights and a world without violence”.

Open World Encounter New Humanism Promotion Team

Initiative set up by humanist activists from different MH grassroots groups and MDS communities.