From Humahuaca, a heartfelt account of the collaboration in the making of a Mural

From Humahuaca, a heartfelt account of the collaboration in the making of a Mural

In Humahuaca, 16 October 2021

On the 10th of October of this year, a mural was made in Humahuaca – Jujuy in the context of the “1st Latin American March for Nonviolence” promoted by Siloists and Humanists.

This mural was the product of a joint action with friends close to “Silo’s Message” who contributed their Intentionality, paint and time for the realization of the proposed image, among them are Ruben, Angelica, Samin, Natu, Dalmira, Omar and Gaby.

We also had the collaboration of a Humahuaqueño muralist, Professor Julio Perez, who did the sketch and directed the whole work.

We also received paintings from friends of a political group.

After a week of activities in the secondary schools, the mural was completed in two days.

On the 9th of October the wall was cleaned and prepared.

On the 10th of October, the most awaited day by all, the drawing and painting took place.

They were very nice days, very comforting, with many anecdotes to tell and unique moments.

The elements that make up the artistic work, are inspired by the Andean cosmovision: the sun and the moon, a Coya man and a Coya woman who represent the duality of the Andean world that implies doing things in pairs or as a team, as opposed to the individualism proposed by other cultures, the wiphala, which represents the integration of the indigenous peoples of Abya Yala, the chacana, which is a symbol of Andean spirituality, which is a symbol of Andean spirituality and within it, the logo of the Latin American March, the hills that are the apus (sages or sacred sites), and the phrase of the path that is part of the book of Silo’s Message “Learn to resist the violence that is in you and outside of you”.

In our village the mural had a very good repercussion, many local people asked about it, about the March, about Silo’s message, etc. including local radio reports.

We greet everyone with great affection.

The original article can be found here