SKM calls for complete Bandh on 27 September, 6 am to 4 pm. Widespread bandh preparation in East UP.

Vyapar Mandals, Tempo Associations, Lawyers bodies in East Uttar Pradesh are joining the farmers to enforce the bandh.

Peoples’ anger against misrule of the RSS BJP govt is increasing.

Today marks completion of 10 months of Farmers Protest at Delhi and more than 700 martyrs.

SKM call for All India Bandh on 27th September, 2021 from 6 am to 4 pm will be enforced widely with transport and markets also closing down. People are fed up with continuing rise in prices of essential items, particularly cooking gas and petrol/ diesel which provides huge profits to big Corporates/ MNCs and huge revenue to the Govt. This revenue is being squandered on waiving corporate loans and dues, while peoples’ welfare is being withdrawn.

Growth of corporate control of cropping pattern, mandi pricing and food supply is threatening hard working peasants with seed control and costly inputs as well as all those buy food. Corporate control over industry, construction, real estate, health, education, retail markets is depriving vast sections of their means of livelihood.

SKM also welcomes the wide spread support coming from various quarters in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.  In several districts joint enforcement is planned and farmer unions, trade unions, vyapar mandals, lawyers bodies along with students and youth are joining together to enforce the bandh.

SKM appeals to all political forces who actually support farmers’ demands for Repeal of the 3 Pro Corporate Farm Laws, Repeal of the Electricity Bill 2021 and for Legal Right of MSP for all crops as per Swaminathan formula to come forward and implement this bandh, not just lend silent support.

Dr. Ashish Mital

GS, AIKMS and Member Sanyukt Kisan Morcha