LIVE SHOW on Sunday, September 12 at 12:30 PM EST

On this show, we speak with Flavia Negozio and Leonardo Libero about their article titled “On Winds of change and high altitude winds: alternative solutions to the energy crisis of the Planet”. Covering the issue of  global warming and the consequent climate change and urging for the need to develop an ecological transition based on the concept of integral ecology.

Flavia Negozio. After graduating in Oriental Languages and Cultures in Rome, Flavia moved first to China and then to Spain, where she worked in multicultural contexts. Over the years she developed a passion for the worlds of creative writing and reading as tools for personal growth. She writes for Pressenza covering social and environmental issues, with a special focus on climate change.

Leonardo Libero. In 1956, he joined RAI, the official Italian channel of radio and television, where he reached the rank of manager. As a freelance journalist, he was editor of the monthly magazine ‘Energia dal Sole’ and collaborated with various newspapers on topics such as energy and the environment. In 1998-99 he was part of a study group at the Turin Polytechnic as a researcher of data and news about electric, road and marine propulsion.