
‘LGBTQ rights have become a litmus test in Palestinian society’

The growing visibility of queer Palestinians poses a challenge to Arab political parties that are exploiting homophobia ahead of the Israeli election, says attorney and activist Fady Khoury. By Edo Konrad The Palestinian LGBTQ community isn’t used to being at…

Are Two Off Days Enough to Satisfy Students’ Mental Health?

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland Before the spring semester started at SUNY Cortland, administrators announced that there will be no spring break this year because of Covid-19. In an attempt to still give students some sort of break, they…

Brazil: Social Contagion Knocks on the Door

By Paulo Henrique Martins Art often anticipates historical trends not yet revealed. We can exemplify with the film “Contagion” (2011) directed by Soderbergh. The film deals with the spread of a virus that, like Covid 19, would have emerged in…

International arms transfers level off after years of sharp growth; Middle Eastern arms imports grow most, says SIPRI

International transfers of major arms stayed at the same level between 2011–15 and 2016–20. Substantial increases in transfers by three of the top five arms exporters—the USA, France and Germany—were largely offset by declining Russian and Chinese arms exports. Middle…

Prosecuting ex-presidents for corruption is trending worldwide – but it’s not always great for democracy

Former presidents are being investigated, prosecuted and even jailed worldwide. In Bolivia, ex-President Jeanine Áñez was arrested on terrorism, conspiracy and sedition charges on March 13. A week before, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was sentenced to prison for corruption…

EU reaches agreement on cross-border infrastructure funding

Following lengthy and at times contentious negotiations, the European Parliament and Council agreed Thursday (11 March) on the Connecting Europe Facility, making available over €30 billion in funding for transport, digital, and energy projects. Prior to Thursday’s late-night agreement, negotiations…

India Should Hold the Line on Myanmar

A chaotic situation in Myanmar ensuing from the geopolitical struggle would have serious consequences for the security of India’s North Eastern region. The Indian government has done the right thing by sending an advisory to the four northeastern states — Mizoram, Nagaland,…

Green Groups File ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ FTC Complaint Against Chevron for Climate Lies

“The world’s second biggest polluter shouldn’t advertise that they’re good for the environment.” By Kenny Stancil, Three environmental justice and corporate accountability groups filed a “first-of-its-kind” complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday accusing oil giant Chevron of deceiving…

UN debates on women’s participation and leadership

The UN debates on the participation of women in public life and in decision-making at different levels in the 65 period of sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), to run until March 26th. The importance of…

War Exercise Despite Pandemic (III)

The US Army Europe and the Bundeswehr prepare for the major Defender Europe 21 large-scale exercise – targeting Russia. NATO countries are preparing for a second major “Defender Europe” exercise. Opening activities are scheduled for May. Last year’s Defender Europe…

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