A snapshot from the video of Manu Chao on Twitter #FreeAssange is flooding social media while calls for the release of Julian Assange and against his extradition to the USA multiply. Ordinary people who are calling for the protection of free journalism and of Julian Assange raise their voices every day together with journalists, artists, lawyers, politicians and academics.

Manu Chao posted his appeal on his Twitter account by singing:

In a desperate plea, Edward Snowden, the NSA public interest whistleblower, who himself is being persecuted by the USA but who has been granted asylum in Russia and lives there, called upon President Trump to release Assange. He writes on Twitter: “Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during your time in office, please free Julian Assange. You alone can save his life.”

In his turn, Oliver Stone, the award-winning American film director, in a photograph of himself holding the slogan “I am Julian Assange” calls for a halt to the censorship of journalists. The next court hearing in London for the case of Assange’s extradition to the USA is scheduled to take place on  December 11, while the decision is expected to be announced in one month’s time, on 4 January 2021.

Related articles:

Pressenza’s Campaign 1’4Assange: Varoufakis on the Offensive for the Defense of Assange (video)

Juan Branco: The Greek people to apply pressure for the granting of asylum to Julian Assange.

Julian Assange is being held in severe conditions according to a report by the UN Rapporteur

A call to protest for Julian Assange – the court hearing for his extradition starts on 24/2.


Translation by Jeannette A. Arduino, from the voluntary Pressenza translation team. We are looking for volunteers!