On November 27 and 28, 2020, the Neurodiversity Network participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum, within a total of 27 thematic networks.

The synthesis of the Neurodiversity Network was presented to the Forum by Maximiliano Bravo, a sociologist, autistic, activist for the right to a neurodiverse identity, who pointed out that neurodiversity is framed in the context of the many diversities that exist in human beings. There have always been differences between individuals: sex, gender, race, etc. Throughout our history, all these differences have been treated with violence and discrimination.

However, the differences from an evolutionary point of view are an attempt by nature to increase the adaptive possibilities and with them ensure the survival of the species. So diversity is essentially a good sign.

Neurodiversity is the definition of the extension of the possibilities of neuronal connections of the human being, therefore, we are all neurodiverse.

Despite the fact that diversity is an advantage for human evolution, it has in some way been a factor of division and conflict.

The difference is not the problem. Who can say what is the best way to think, to express oneself, and to see the world, most suitable for human life?

There is definitely no better mental form than another, so where does the rejection of diversity come from?

We affirm that it is the product of a cultural model that has defined what is normal and what is correct from power, from utility to power. A model that has been imposed on us mechanically and silently, from which we have awakened and today we feel that we must transform it.

There is a human type that is expected of us, a way of thinking, feeling and acting within a certain “normality”, in which we should all be the same. However, we are not, some of us have another rhythm of action and way of communicating, those of us who are different, we are claiming neurological diversity, because it is a contribution to humanity and because it dignifies our human condition.

From the neurodiversity we say that we will know how to make our contribution, without conforming to the standards imposed from the circumstantial power, to give the best of ourselves, moving towards the valorization of diversity. It is from the sum of the talents of all human beings, in their different forms and with all their richness of expression, from which we can evolve as humanity, valuing new human types and new forms of communication that will create a profound transformation in our social relationships.

More humane, flexible and resonant environments with the diversity of all minds are already in the process of gestation.


By the Promoting Team of Neurodiversity Network