In front of the National Stadium, the feminist group Las Tesis Senior returned yesterday to give a performance for the liberation of the Uprising for Dignity prisoners. Women all dressed in black, with a white scarf in their hands, were synchronized with the special melody which resulted in the effect that all their bodies moved with one voice, a single feeling that this time sang:
Liberate, liberate the prisoners who struggle!
Liberate, liberate the prisoners who struggle!
State violence, patriarchal terrorism
Mutilate and kill us with total impunity
According to the laws of a corrupt and criminal government, which represses the Uprising for Dignity
No to impunity, no to impunity.
We are women, we are warriors, we are mothers and grandmothers.
We are the daughters and the sisters, we are the aunts and the nieces, we are the cousins and the friends.
We are the companions who fight for you, for your freedom, for your freedom!
We are not all here. Who is missing? The prisoners of the Uprising for Dignity are missing.
We are not all here. Who is missing? The prisoners of the Uprising for Dignity are missing.
Liberate, liberate the prisoners who struggle!
Liberate, liberate the prisoners who struggle!
The photo-report is by Riccardo Marinai. The music from the performance of Las Tesis. *Original is in Spanish
Translation by Jeannette A. Arduino, from the voluntary Pressenza translation team. We are looking for volunteers!