According to the United Nations Commissioner,  there have been 33 massacres so far this year.

By Gustavo Espinoza

With much indignation, Colombian citizens, organizations, and various groups in New York continue to denounce before the world the murders of the social and indigenous leaders of Colombia for defending the lands and water, and for preventing mining companies from contaminating the environment. They mention that the figures are increasing in the year, and the government does not seem to care.

One of the organizers of the Aura Angélica Hernández sit-in says that “the national government of Colombia refuses to accept that the country is in the middle of a conflict.  According to the United Nations High Commissioner, in the eight months to 2020,  33 massacres have been registered in Colombian territory, of which 10 have been in the last month”.

Another one of the protesters speaks in front the microphones “We want peace, we are not guerrillas, we are not left, we simply want peace for all women, men, children, we want them to stop the atrocities they are doing”.

Renata, from the Verde collective that has been leading the fight against femicide, says “We shout for all of them murdered due to all forms of violence. There is much pain in a mother, sister and the earth ”, while a poster with a very long list of murdered women was displayed.

In addition to the speeches, the act included the poetry of Lua Arroyo, claiming the presence and role of the Afro-Colombian people, and the accompaniment of the rhythms of the drums interpreting Colombian music could not be absent.

Tatiana Lindo, from the Colombian Studies Group in New York, stressed that Colombia is experiencing a period of extremely strong violence, it has even surpassed other periods of violence that we did not think we would experience again, they are killing social leaders everywhere.

He calls for not staying at home thinking that it will never improve. They have to think of the new generations, that this problem goes beyond ourselves, it affects everyone.

As an immigrant “Even if we are abroad, we must feel empathy, one cannot forget where he comes from, or where he was born, one never forgets the country that he comes from, emphasized Tatiana.

Finally, he mentioned that since the signing of the peace accords, more than 300 social and indigenous leaders have been assassinated. It is the same Colombian State that is supporting or covering up, the narco paramilitarism has to end and the democratic center with Uribe has to stop doing what they have done all these years, violence is not cured with more violence, we need the agreements to be fulfilled.

I want to say to people who are in other countries, do not forget where you come from, or the situation of others, even if the violence is not affecting you directly, you cannot be indifferent about that.

These activities are very important, they have a symbolic communication value so that people realize what is happening when one is consistent with what they think and with their actions.  Because the situation makes you uncomfortable, that’s where the revolution begins.

On September 21st, they plan to hold another sit-in, a place to be defined as part of the activities to denounce to the world that the Movement for Peace in Colombia has been carrying out at the international level so that the world and the international institutions in charge of ensuring human rights at the global level know what is happening in Colombia.

The translation from German (to English) was done by Lulith V. from the voluntary Pressenza translation team. We are looking for volunteers!