By the second half of this 21st century (hopefully before then) no one will be “working for a living”. In fact, in the 22nd century our great grandchildren will look back in disbelief at the whole concept of having to “earn” a living, just as we look back in disbelief at the idea that some of our great grandparents owned (or were) Human slaves.
To the Human Beings of the 22nd century the fact that half of the people on this planet did not have adequate housing, healthcare, education and a universal basic income in 2020 will seem almost inconceivable.
In the year 2120, children will gasp with shame when they look back at the resources and technology we had available to us in the early 2000s. They will facepalm when they learn that a tiny fraction of this planet’s population hoarded, controlled and completely mismanaged almost all the resources of the Earth in the early 2000s, forcing the majority of the Human race to scramble just to survive.
All of this, the way we live now, will seem like madness to the Human Beings of the future who will know that “a living”, that LIFE, is a Human Right and not something that needs to be “earned”.