The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has made a donation of $75,000 to Feed Ontario and a matching donation of another $25,000 for ETFO locals who are donating to community food banks in their areas.

“We are living in unprecedented, uncertain and challenging times” said ETFO President Sam Hammond. “It is critical that we offer support to the most vulnerable in Ontario and encourage others to do so. The most direct way we can reach out is to support Feed Ontario food banks.”

Feed Ontario is a network of 130 member food banks and over 1,100 affiliate hunger-relief programs and agencies across the province that serves nearly 335,000 people every month. During the COVID-19 crisis, Ontario food banks are adapting their services to meet increasing need but their resources are depleting. Every $1,00 in donations will help provide the equivalent of three meals to those facing hunger during this time of uncertainty, according to the organization.

ETFO locals are already stepping forward to make matched donations in communities across the province.

ETFO represents 83,000 elementary public school teachers, occasional teachers and education professionals across the province. It’s Building Better Schools education agenda can be viewed at