As the days go by, demonstrations by Chileans and local organizations are held in more cities around the world to express their support for the Chilean people in these days of change, as well as to join the demand that Sebastián Piñera resign and call a Constituent Assembly to replace the 1980 Constitution, imposed by the dictatorship. Today, Thursday, was a special day, because a simultaneous world march was called. Some of the cities were:

Barcelona, a city where demonstrations are also taking place due to the Madrid court ruling against Catalan political leaders.


Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona
Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona
Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona

Mexico Federal District 

México D.F.
Paseo Madero, México D.F.
Hemiciclo a Juárez, Mexico DF
Hemiciclo a Juárez, Mexico DF
Hemiciclo a Juárez, Mexico DF


Okinawa, Japan 


Milan, Italy


Berlin, Germany 

Keep up, Chile!


Translation Pressenza London