We publish here the words pronounced by Antonio Carvallo (and consecutively translated into English by Tony Robinson) during the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Siloism in the most significant event that took place today, at the Park of Study and Reflection of Punta de Vacas, located near Mount Aconcagua, in the Andes Mountains. These words, and the ceremonies that followed them, were heared by streaming from many different locations on the five continents.

“Dear friends, Siloists, pilgrims, travellers and Masters, present here, and in all the other parks on every other continent. Welcome to the celebration of our 50th anniversary!

The anniversary of the speech given by Silo in this same place on May 4, 1969.

This is a day of celebration, of thanks, of reflection and revision. And why not? Also, and especially, a day to consider the future!

You are listening to a participant on that occasion, someone who never looked back.

Our common history is profusely documented and this brief greeting is not the right occasion to delve deeper into it.

I simply want to share some of the memories and reflections that accompany me in this period and in this same place, the Historic Punta de Vacas Park, where so many crucial moments of our process have taken place.

Silo came back here to speak publicly in 1999, 2004 and 2007.

A brief account of these fifty years

I started participating in Santiago in the second half of 1968. I was 22 years old. Right from the start I was impressed by the materials circulating in typewritten copies: the method, works of attention, the theory of flight, determinism and chance, accident and destiny, the theory of action, materials of remarkable depth for spontaneous groups of activists. It was said that it was possible to break determinism and advance towards freedom. People spoke of the Superman, of the awakening of consciousness, of the appearance of the School. There was intense activity in Santiago, operatives announcing the coming of Silo, many meetings, and study and practice groups; invitation of new members, and preparation of the May 4th mobilization. More than 70 of us travelled from Chile.

On that day, I remember there was a great expectation and a feeling of uncertainty, contrasting with the magnificence of the landscape, guards on horseback with machine guns, surrounded the site. We knew that Silo was beginning his public life and would launch his message. But nothing more. I still didn’t know him…

The climate was electrifying, spectacular, impossible not to feel very moved to be there. Silo, approaching the microphones with slow and harmonious movements, projected an intense, very special force. When in the midst of silence he began his message “If you have come to listen to a man…” it was something thrilling for me. From that moment my attention had only one focal point, not only the presence of Silo expressing his message but also the clarity of what he was explaining, the sequence of ideas. This was so deeply etched in my heart that it is an experience that has always remained and has determined the course of my life.

The words impressed me strongly, because of the variety of subjects that he touched and their deep meaning… but frankly, only with the passing of years, and the experience of many avatars I understood the words as a seed container of all the codes of that source of multiple and diverse knowledge that is the doctrine today.

Let’s take a quick look at these years.

The book “The inner look” started over there in the valley, in the stone hermitage and completed a few months later, now permanently lays the foundations of Silo’s teaching, describing non-meaning, contradiction, the abyss and the way to overcome it. Unitive action. The Force and its control. Affirming as a source, the experience of inner revelation which comes to everyone who carefully meditates in humble search.

After May 4th, the groups of followers in Chile and Argentina were organized and multiplied. Qualification progressed and the first dispersions around Latin America and to the United States, Europe and Asia were planned.

In 1972, Silo gave the Conference on Transcendental Meditation in Santiago, which was interrupted and suspended on the second day due to the intervention of the police. This time it was the regime of Popular Unity.

Under pressure and persecution of the military dictatorships in both countries, which pushed many followers into exile, the presence of Siloists in various European countries was reinforced.

In 1974, a Centre of Work was established in Córdoba, Argentina, where groups of followers from Europe, the United States and South America participated in the first works of crafts and disciplines. The following year a centre of studies was opened in Corfu, where the first studies of our psychology were developed, which were deepened in the Canary Islands in 1976 and 1978, with the participation of friends from all over the world.

Quoting what Silo said here on May 4, 1999 when summarizing 30 years of history:

“By the 70s an organization known as The Community for Human Development had begun to form… this was a social and cultural group which, with the passing of the years would come to be recognized by the United Nations. During those years, more precise doctrinary parameters were defined and the characteristics of this new type of movement were established so that it could no longer be confused with the spontaneous kinds of groups that had already entered a situation of decline and disintegration. Starting with The Community for Human Development, a wide range of neighbourhood social organisations and grassroots groups began to appear. This Humanist Movement, which is so diversified in its social and cultural activities, has also given rise to political parties which began to form in the 80s. By the 90s, this movement had attained its full conceptual maturity, defining itself as Universalist Humanism or New Humanism. It clearly differentiates itself from the old humanisms, with which it has neither organic nor ideological relationship. In this year, 1999, the movement is preparing to carry out a complete evaluation of everything that has been done from its first steps, with the intention of defining its strategy for the century to come.”

Finally, in this century:

The Message given by Silo in 2002 is launched, with its materials, The Book, The Experience and The Path. All this with its respective models of functioning and development, and freedom of interpretation. Thus enabling a way of working based on experience and capable of reaching all human beings without distinction.

The School is formalized, and the systematic work of the Disciplines is set in motion as a condition of access. The parks of Study and Reflection are founded as their place of establishment. Works of levelling open to all are carried out, and work is carried out in Disciplines with an accelerated and group procedure.

Silo reviewed all his official work and created the page Silo.net

That was the work of the first decade of the century, when Silo was already anticipating his departure and aligned everything for that new moment. He said on more than one occasion, “Guys, I have done my part, now it’s up to you.”

In the second decade, progress is being made in the construction of parks that now number more than fifty all over the world, the communities of Silo’s Message are expanding everywhere. Where there are favourable conditions, the official organisms of the humanist movement are developing: The Community for Human Development, the International Humanist Party, Convergence of Cultures, World without Wars and Violence, and the World Centre for Humanist Studies. The movement also counts on other organisations, Forums, Marches and a news agency which are growing in many places.

This is where we are today!

Silo lived his life with us, he shared everything, his style, wisdom, his work, his time, his intention and project.

In this complex era in which we live, in fact, the most complex in human history to date, without precedent, there was nothing to imitate. Always scanning the future, the process of the world and its tendencies, he formulated new paths, those with the greatest probability, always in increasing adaptation towards the destiny of the common work. At least thirty years ahead of the historical process, he saw the destructuring and fall of the empire, and the advent of the Universal Human Nation.

He instructed, inspired and orientated us following a construction master plan, in an environment of great freedom, always proposing something interesting, almost out of proportion with the ordinariness of our lives…

Ordinary people connected, from the street, from the immediate environment and he inspired them towards unsuspected dimensions, he led us to see in each one of us, exceptional beings of the future, timeless, immortal beings.

We spread around the world with the power of that vision and of the doctrine that developed in all fields in a symphony of diverse yet closely interconnected manifestations. Such is human life.

His sense of humour, inextinguishable vitality, constant change and renewal, his ability to relate and structure things built new realities, looks and landscapes. The dialogues, as we know, could last several uninterrupted hours, looking at and connecting different subjects separated in time and space, relating ingenuity and artistry around our central interests. In this way, the themes of the moment were increasingly developed, and the friends present took notes, which were then reviewed and distributed to everyone.

He was the living manifestation of the doctrine. He was the School in action.

He moved continuously through all the places of activity of the Movement. Six-monthly meetings in both hemispheres to facilitate participation. Meticulous plans, continuous statistics of everything done. The Movement was computerized as soon as the first personal computers went on the market. He never left a letter, a call or an e-mail without responding quickly. He frequently produced new doctrinal writings or revisions and additions to existing ones. Talks, analyses and projections on the social, political, psychological situation of the people, always taking samples.

The constant recreation of themes, methods and working environments was a permanent source of inspiration. In some moments operating on the world, in other moments, on qualification and study. Communication with others and the teaching of what was learned were, nevertheless, the centre of every action, of every plan, of every work design.

He rescued and emphasized – always related to the doctrine – affinities with currents of thought in other historical moments, the process of thought, starting from the root myths of humanity.

In his teaching, I always saw a great humility and genuine recognition of the efforts and talent of the generations that preceded us. With a tremendous sense of integration, of structure.

Silo is the role model, the guide and the friend. He is always present guiding and inspiring action.

Today that experience is alive, it is reconstructed, re-structured and transformed. It inspires and drives me, it is the myth acting in my consciousness. The more it transforms, the greater my understanding of his teaching, and consequently of reality.

How powerful is the living and acting experience that we carry with us!

Having been part and witness of the process of birth, and development of the doctrine over time, and experiencing every day the impact of its extraordinary truth, breadth and depth, I can affirm without doubt that it is the most complete, wise, profound, clear and kind of doctrines of transformation, capable of connecting human beings with the sacred in the depths of their consciousness.

But this celebration would not be complete without mutual recognition and thanks from the bottom of our hearts for the great work done side by side in these years that has given meaning to our lives and has allowed others to discover the greatest of teachings.

The world has changed. A new sensibility is on the move. Today it is the children who are taking the initiative to confront the system in a non-violent way by confronting the most serious problems affecting humanity. Today it’s the environment and survival of the planet. Very soon there will be the issue of violence that, as we know, is at the root of all destruction, and of individual and social suffering.

A world civilization is covering the planet, technology connects everybody in real time, everything is accelerating more and more, shaking the foundations of the human psychism. However, this same technology makes it possible to reach every corner of the earth with our message of change, of faith in the human being, of overcoming suffering. With joy, love for the body, for nature, for humanity and for the spirit.

We were privileged to be part of the birth and development of the greatest of teachings with Silo as Master and Guide. Now it’s up to us to communicate that universal teaching that humanity really needs.

Let us all support each other in this great task in solidarity and with sincere affection.

Peace, Force and Joy”