
Bernie Sanders announces candidacy for US presidency

Por Brasil de Fato The candidate is gaining momentum with progressive agendas and direct attacks on Donald Trump’s far-right policies. Senator Bernie Sanders confirmed his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on Tuesday (19), calling on the population…

The Movement And The 2020 Elections

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The political system in the United States is a plutocracy, one that works for the benefit of the wealthy, not the people. Although we face growing crises on multiple fronts – economic insecurity,…

Venezuela Under Washington’s Gun

by Paul Craig Roberts A full court press is taking place in Florida today (Presidents Day) with Republicans, Democrats, expatriates from Cuba and Venezuela and the fascist warmonger ministry of propaganda that constitutes the US media all denouncing Maduro and…

Hunger Strike Continues into 7th Week on day of Trump’s Visit to El Paso

The “El Paso 9” continue their hunger strike into the 7th week at the El Paso Processing Center. Nine of 11 Sikh asylum seekers are being violently force-fed by ICE staff and late last week all nine were thrown into…

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman must walk geopolitical tightrope during Asian tour

By Dr James M Dorsey Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s three-nation tour of Asia is as much about demonstrating he stands tall – despite Western criticism of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the war in Yemen –…

The 20 Warmest Years on Record Have Been in the Past 22 Years – The Degree of Warming during the Past Four Years Has Been Exceptional, Both on Land and in Ocean’

In the wake of data released by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO), showing the past four years were officially the ‘four warmest on record,’ UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for urgent climate action and increased ambition, ahead of his climate summit in…

Dear Humanity, I Think We Should Just Be Friends

Friends, fellow inhabitants of planet Earth, I’m not breaking up with you. I just think maybe we ought to see other species for a while. You like dogs, right? I’ve spent so many years trying to talk with you, and…

Pakistan: How to Change Political Culture of Corruption and Rebuild the Future?

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. Towards Understanding the Current Affairs Prime Minister Imran Khan impressed the constituents to imagine the phenomenon of “change” as a driving force for future-making. Was the political power a motivating factor to influence the curious…

Planet Earth’s Dubious Future: A Massive Easter Island in the Making

By Jerome Irwin Another year has come and gone and Planet Earth’s climate continues to become ever more extreme, violent and unpredictable. The oceans of earth are heating up faster than the scientists even projected five years ago. Australia is…

Trump’s state of emergency: A step towards presidential dictatorship

By Patrick Martin President Trump’s proclamation of a state of national emergency on the southern US border is a frontal assault on constitutional norms and democratic rights in America. It is the first time in American history that a president…

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