COP23 in Bonn – that means 22 previous world climate summits which saw much talking but little action. Also for this year’s summit there is not a lot to be expected from the politicians of the industrialized nations still under pressure from lobbying by multinationals, oil barons and greed for profits.

The fact that this year’s conference takes place in Bonn, next to the Rheinland’s massive lignite coal field, the biggest source of CO2 in Europe, adds a rather ironic note to it. The presidency of the Fiji Islands who, due to the behavior of “civilized” society and it’s addiction to consumerism and fossil fuels, find themselves threatened by the rising tides of climate change only gives a superficial impression of democracy.

It remains to be seen how far the needs of indigenous peoples, who already suffer directly and very concretely from climate change, will be really heard. They are also victims of land grabbing, deforestation, agricultural industry and mega projects like pipelines that in return add to climate change. Our governments would be well advised to listen to them as they are the best guardians of the Earth and it’s environment: Indigenous land constitutes 20% of the Earth’s land mass, but that 20% harbours 80% of the planet’s remaining biodiversity (source:

Lip service and Greenwashing will certainly not lead to effective solutions. But much hope lies instead in a worldwide growing counter movement which, next to uncountable regional, national and international NGOs, is supported by hundreds of thousands of individuals, manifested for example in the numerous climate marches all over the world during the last years, the most recent big one being the march in Washington in April with over 200,000 people participating.

The term grassroots revolution expresses what we hope will happen also in Bonn over the next days and weeks. A multitude of events, meetings, counter summits, demonstrations and workshops for and with people from Germany and all over the world will create an organically-grown alternative to the official narrative. And they will not stop making their voices heard until the current system, trapped in the hamster wheel of unlimited growth, changes into a sustainable and future-compliant one, based on truly unlimited renewable energy and real respect for humans and the environment.

System change is coming and it will not come from above but from within us, from each and every single citizen of the Earth who retains a critical mind, who takes a stand and who is ready to take on responsibility. And we are getting more and more each year, everywhere.

The following links give an overview of the most important events parallel to COP23 with the People’s Climate Summit 2017 at the core of it:

Official Call out for the People’s Climate Summit 2017

People’s Cimate Summit 2017 – 3. -7.11. in Bonn with numerous evening panel and workshops

COY13 – 13th Conference of Youth –  2.-4.11., Bonn:  Networking for young climate activists: Youth Empowerment

Climate March at COP23  – 4.11. – 12 o’clock – Bonn, Münsterplatz : Fight for Climate Justice! End Coal!

Ende Gelände 2017: Flood coal mines with protest insteatd of letting islands sink! – 3 .- 5.11. – Bonn / Rhenish lignite mining region

Pacific Climate Warriors’ Ceremony – 5.11. in Mannheim-Kerpen

Handover of the Pacific Climate Warrior Declaration on Climate Change to heads of governement and state

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature: International Rights of Nature Tribunal –  7.-8.11., Landesmuseum, Colmanstraße 14-16, Bonn

Climate demonstration „Stop the flimflam!“ –  11.11. , World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), Bonn-Gronau

WECAN Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network – Actions & Events at COP23 , 1.-15.11. in Bonn

Multicultural Grassroots Delegation from the U.S.  –  Actions & Events at COP23 in Bonn