It´s the UK party Conferences season, Labour had it before the Conservatives but the leaders speeches might as well be seen in reverse. Here is the “response” Jeremy Corbyn MP gives to Theresa May PM´s attempt to appear more caring but in reality representing the same policies of austerity and destruction of public services already implemented by her government.

During her speech a prankster managed to hand her over a P45, the document UK workers receive at the moment of retirement. Then she lost her voice to unstoppable cough. All wonderfully allegorical, not of her personal failures but that of the neoliberal agenda.

in his Facebook page Corbyn tells us “If the Conservatives’ conference has taught us anything, it’s this…”

Jeremy Corbyn | The Political Mainstream

If the Conservatives' conference has taught us anything, it's this…

Posted by Jeremy Corbyn on jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017