Two questions were essential to the call of this fourth meeting: how to rescue the deep meaning of education, in the act of teaching, to each one of us? Is this meaning related to vocation? With that each one can contribute with the expression of a new vision that is capable to build a new meaning to the education act. When the meeting has finished, each member shared its reflections and experiences, and based on them we created those conclusions.


During the three journeys of the course, when the three thematic areas were realized, also expositions, audiovisuals, experimental workshops, talks and informal exchanges about our educative actions, inner experiences in the Meditation Room and in the Study and Reflection Punta de Vacas’ Park, we reached answers of big meanings to those questions we had in the beginning. Those conclusions were shared between the assistants and educators from Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Hungary, Mozambique, Italy, France, Turkey among other distant latitudes, that created an enriching diversity, tuned us, through different languages, speaking the same universal one. Because the experience exchange, the interconnection when this kind of deep communication is developed, a bigger energy is generated.

As educators, we feel that something bigger has lighted us from a huge inner deep. We believe that when we come back home we are going to be different because of these experiences. We share the conviction of changing the world through this web we are part of. Trough it is built the new social tissue. Each one of us contribute through our particular activity in each educational discipline wich we express ourselves, where we’ll keep spinning this dynamic harmony, because we want to live in a better world since now.


We realized, thanks to the meeting with people from different latitudes, the clear expression of a new sensibility in different cultures and countries from the planet. Sensibility that thirty years ago many people judged as madness, but now is being developed in the whole world. This give us lots of confidence that this new world is rising with strength. There are million of people developing educational activities, through the no-violence, no-discrimination, horizontally. As Silo used to say – the one that we thank about his work, his message and his legacy -, the new sensibility is rising, and there’s a lot to learn with this new generation that will transform the world. We feel the fullness by working with new generation and we are sure that COPEHU is a way of expression of this new sensibility, that can rise in each human being when we rescue the human aspect and give them strength.
That world to which we aspire is already here, the other old world is falling, we don’t need to do anything for it to fall, because themselves do it perfectly, this system that is a shell for something that is already dead, that doesn’t work anymore. For this reason we know that keep increasing this meeting and other possible meetings, make us feel this world that, more than build it, we can live it from now on, in each place.


These days we move through an atmosphere of inspiration that gave us strength to express ourselves in our educational settings, to interact with children and the entire community inspiring meanings that certainly go beyond the educational aspect, and that will come to this human being who needs in different fields. We believe in feeding the fire and let it all develops. It is like a stone dropped in water, makes waves and spread … and they come back.

During those journeys we were fulfilled with gifts to distribute now in each place where we can transmit a good new, in this dense skeptic society, so much frustration. It can be the voice of something that give us light, give us hope, fill ouselves of meaning , give us strength and the will to stand up every day. In this legion of meaning, it’s like if someone sign to you your place in the “battle” – to use a military metaphor-, and to know your place in the battle is not a small thing. To touch the meaning is to know that there is a possibility, is to win the death in a small and reachable act. Because we know that the simple change, too.



What was learned in this IV International Meeting we registered as the good knowledge that will be part of us everyday, a register that expands as if it was sphere that grows through a chest and renew the spirit. We are walking in a path that is chosen, some of them go slowly, other don’t, but we clearly go in the same human direction of education. Let’s keep going!


Tomorrow we are back to our educational work and tomorrow we will thank to all educators that have this transforming intention. We thank to the Cordillera’s mountain, to the river, to the wind, that gave us the inspiring environment to step up, this level that connect us with new generations that will transform the world. Because tomorrow we will meet again with those children, many of them suffer a cruel reality, and the worse was given to them. Therefore, tomorrow, when we hug those children, we’ll feel stronger. Many of us are teachers inside the formal system and we realize though realities. Fight to transform this reality where the children and families we work with are, after our experiences and the learned abilities, we know that it is possible

Yussel, de México, luego de acreditarse

Yussel, de México, luego de acreditarse

Universal Pedagogic Humanistic Chain (COPEHU)

