There is a momentary sway in people’s political interest towards the Right, towards a conservative policy on immigrants and refugees mainly in Europe, as now seen in France with the wins of the political right-wing.

Also in Europe, but in less economically sound nations like Greece where, though the government is socialist in its leaning, the austerity measures pretty much forced on the Greeks by external Capitalist forces, those willing the Right into power are consolidating their grip and expanding in that sector.

This is a reaction against social equality efforts of the left-wing denting the lifestyles of those who have the money and who do not want to share their wealth and good fortune with the others on the poorer side. The hand and mentality of Big Business.

This sway to the Right is notable in South America too. In Argentina people tired of ‘biting the bullet’ of socialist inspired progress for all and have lost patience – which would not have happened if so many had not just stood on the sidelines and waited for the advance of the general good. Not enough numbers of people actually ‘did something’ to revamp the nation!

Venezuela too, but because the socialist governments over recent years could not pull the country together in any sense, economically or politically. The rejection of the leftist policies came about simply because of the problems of street violence and lack of goods in the shops marred people’s daily life. Clearly corruption was at work as that country is oil-rich and there was no excuse – it was bad management.

In India the latest leader Modi is right-wing and is implementing business-friendly policies at the top-end – most radically in the field of nuclear energy – but the SMB sector is not getting support to the same extent and nationalism in the worst sense is taking hold, working against minority groups.

All this pits China as a last stand of modern Socialism-Communism – albeit with Chinese characteristics – to demonstrate what a cohesive centralised government can do and is doing as evidenced in the mobilisation and general advance of its economy and the social situation of its people.

Despite media attention on the injustices and malpractices sufficiently rampant to scare anyone off ‘the blamed’ left-wing endeavours at solving humanities problems as carried out by the Beijing government, fact is, on a grand scale China is a comprehensive success.

However, portrayed as the enemy of Capitalism and as an enemy of the West (without reason in my opinion) those voicing their opinions on matters of social concern hardly make mention of the value of this ‘other way to democracy’.

It would appear that the Old Left is out of favour in today’s China but it is still an operative influence sufficient to peg down the excesses of privatisation and the loss of control by a people’s government to individual interests – including trans-national corporations that are far beyond the powers of any individual or sovereign nation, such is their clout today.

East and West are experiencing different sorts of problems. In the West the effect of destabilising the Middle East over all these years has this throwback of millions of refugees begging for refuge from the bombs manufactured in mostly western nations but certainly supplied and used by western nations; in the East-South the struggle is to get a decent living for the majority with its failures and successes. In South America the most relevant push for bringing about a quality human life for a majority is the political thrust that is bringing its various countries into a unified but not standardised grouping where it can deal with all matters regionally and not bow to outside, read USA, machinations.

The world of humanity is haphazardly moving in a direction of multi-ethnicity and great diversity so this mix that is rebounding on Europe is long term ‘as it has to be’ and no right-wing attempt at control has any future as the scenes of ordinary people welcoming the refugees is showing the world, as against the procrastination and wobbling of those same people’s governments.