Indonesian haze: No oil palms on peat!


Dear friends of the rain forests,

Unbelievable, while ongoing fires are burning in peatlands, the Government of Indonesia allowed a company (Pt PEAK) to destroy a valuable peat dome.

Emissions from drained peatlands contribute to over 50% of Indonesia’s national greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of preventing forest fires and haze and live up to its commitments to reduce its emissions, the government has continued licensing disastrous developments on peatlands.

Despite the protection of peatlands under a Moratorium since 2011, somebody has made changes to the moratorium map, thus allowing Pt PEAK to develop an oil palm plantation on one of Indonesia`s largest forested peat domes. This particular peat dome is home to Orangutans and holds huge amounts of carbon.

This palm oil plantation is a disaster for the global climate, for water retention and the livelihood of local people.

Please sign our petition to President Joko Widodo and Minister for environment and forestry Ms Siti Nurbaya Bakar.

Urge the Indonesian Government to review the licensing process, thereby ending the authorization of environmental, climatic and socio-economic disasters.

Call on the Minister to immediately revoke the license given to Pt PEAK.

Thanks for being involved,
Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)