On May 16, 2015 representatives of the Humanist Party of Iquique visited Gustavo Masciocchi Leon, former political prisoner of the military dictatorship that is on hunger strike 15 days ago in the town of Pozo Almonte and as consent has joined this cause and struggle for legal and financial compensation for victims of the Pinochet dictatorship.

Faced with these events the Humanist Party Iquique states:

  1. solidarity with the Ex-Political Prisoners and Families who are faced with this extreme situation derived from their struggle for better social repair in terms of a fairer and more decent pension.
  2. It is worrying that no government has the intention and political will to install equal measures of reparation that are expressed both in the legal field and economically. These measures have been indicted for the restoration of public honor of all Chileans who were accused of crimes they never committed and the full restoration of all civil rights.
  3. The current government has introduced a poc or worthy proposal in response to the demands expressed by the Former Political Prisoners. This proposal is to deliver 2 million one-time for over 70 years and 1 million pesos for the rest without much foundation, generating discrimination and differentiation between people who at the time living with sequelae of torture and imprisonment. Paradoxically President Bachelet, with her ​​parents were also victims of the same circumstances and indifference on her part is seen to meet the demands of Former Political Prisoners.
  4. Today more than ever the country needs to implement the principles of equity and social justice to restore human rights as an opportunity to vindicate those who have been violated and neglected their rights and dignity as they have been thousands of Chileans victims of the military dictatorship.


Humanists demand full respect for human rights in Chile through:

  1. The elimination of all institutions and laws that prevent full justice in cases of human rights violations committed between 1973 and 1990, especially the repeal of the Amnesty Law. Also, it is necessary to revoke the secret about the authorship of the negotiated by the Coalition and preventing violations truth in 50 years.
  2. Revise the definitions and terms of the laws repair in conjunction with human rights organizations.
  3. The ratification by the State of Chile of all international treaties on human rights and the creation of the Ombudsman to ensure respect for the integrity and dignity.
  4. The State shall take part in the implementation of all international sanctions imposed on Chile by courts of human rights and be executive part in all complaints and cases of human rights violations. For the latter, the NHRI should stop being a government body and become a state agency with its own budget and autonomy.
  5. Modify the formation of the forces of order and security, incorporating respect for human rights, non-violent conflict resolution and non-discrimination.

Iquique Humanist Party

May 17, 2015