Human Wrongs Watch

By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)*, September, 2014 — From the 6-7 December 2014, ICAN will host a Civil Society Forum in Vienna on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. Despite the compelling call of the humanitarian initiative, nuclear weapons states continue to cling to their inhumane weapons.

Governments will convene for the Third conference on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons on 8-9 December, shortly after the Civil Society Forum. The forum is our chance to tell governments that we are watching and we will not wait.

Nuclear weapons can be banned and eliminated, we just need enough people to have the courage to believe it can happen now.

The Civil Society Forum will bring participants from around the world to share ideas, strategies, and inspiration. Participants from over 200 organisations will include government representatives, non-governmental organisations, international organisations, and other critical humanitarian actors.

The dynamic and interactive programme will feature testimony from experts and individuals who have demonstrated that courage and conviction can change the world.

Participants will hear from a variety of religious leaders, military personnel and elected representatives on the opportunities and challenges of creating a nuclear weapons ban treaty, and learn from each other to coordinate and strengthen the campaign worldwide.

Survivors of nuclear bombings and nuclear testing will share their experiences and provide living testament to the inhumanity of nuclear weapons.

The time to ban nuclear weapons is now, and Vienna will be a defining moment. Without the explicit support of nuclear-armed states, we must look to non-nuclear weapons states to take initiative and lead a process to outlaw nuclear weapons.

The Civil Society Forum will allow us to take a stand and convince all states that we need to start a ban treaty process, and that each state has a role to play in creating a world without nuclear weapons. Help us show the world that a dedicated group of courageous individuals can create a movement and make a change. Come to Vienna and be a part of the historic movement to outlaw the most inhumane weapon ever created. To register, visit

*Source: ICAN. Go to Original

Read also:

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2014 Human Wrongs Watch